Chapter 44

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(Your POV)

I made it home two hours before noon. I jump out of my car and grab the small box. I run up the stairs and open the door. I run in passed some of the guys and over to Minx's computer set up. I can see out of the corner of my eye that the guys are giving me a weird look.

Hey what are you doing? Minx said.

Important family work just trust me. I said.

I open up a web browser and get into as much info on my older brother as I can. I pull out a pad of paper and start writing down what I know.

Alright let's see here. I know he's older than me, he's related to me, and he was kidnapped years ago which gets me nowhere. This is gonna be hard. I said.

I lay my head down on the desk. This stuff is hard when you have no leads and with the guys around right now isn't gonna help.  Then all of a sudden an arm is placed on my head.

Whatcha doing knuckle head? Nanners asked.

I let out a sigh and lightly push Nanners' arm off my head.

Family disappearance. My family had someone taken away from them years ago. I'm trying to figure it out. I said.

Hmm? So is that why you ran off this morning? Nanners asked.

Uhh part of the reason. The rest of it you'll have to ask my parents because they have done something you won't believe. I said.

Oh really? Oooooooohhhhhh Chilled~. Nanners said.

Chilled peeked his head into the room with a confused expression on. Could you please gather up everyone so we can have an important phone call with someone's parents? Nanners said.

Ugggggggh! Fine. Chilled said.

*A few minutes later*

You had a baby! Everyone shouted.

Yes we did and if you want you can help (Y/N) find out her older brother. My mom said.

Older brother! Everyone shouted.

Yes now get to it. My mom said then hung up the phone.

Everyone just looked at me in surprise. Then my original gang came up to me and gave me a big hug.

Your a big sister now! Mark said.

Holy crap this is amazing! Max said.

I can't believe it. Chilled said.

We're so proud of you! Pewds said.

Aww thanks guys. I said.

This is awesome now we're gonna have a mini you running around. I mean not that we didn't have a mini you before. Jon said.

What's that supposed to mean? Evan asked.

I mean you guys used to act like (Y/N) sometimes. Jon said.

No we didn't. Mini said.

Alright alright settle down. Now that you know the big family secret why don't you help me figure out who my brother is. I said.

Uhh of course! Everyone said.

Alright this is what my parents got for me. This is all the info on him. I said.

Alright let's get to work! Chilled

*A short while later*

Nothing we've got nothing. Chilled said in blank expression.

How can this be? No clues or leads anywhere. Mini said.

I let out sigh and sit up in my chair. Something isn't adding up around here. I pick up one of the photos. The photo is before the kidnapper struck and kidnapped my brother. I analyze the photo a little better by placing it in a light. Then I see it a little red hat sitting right behind him in the  picture.

Hold on one second. I said.

I open up a few websites that are about some orphanages. If I'm correct that hat looks way to familiar. I want to see if maybe this is someone I know. I hack into orphan lists and look around. Then I catch it right smack dead in the center.

My brother's name is Anthony and he has black hair. And this kid's name is Anthony and he had black hair and is wearing a red hat. I hack into the information about this kid. A long while ago this kid was adopted by a family. I look up their names and see their the same as someone I do know.

Don't cry don't cry it might just be a coincidence. I whisperer.

I take a deep breath and click on something about the parents of this kid. When I see the picture of the parents I fall out of my chair and hit the ground. Now I'm having a panic attack here. Those are Chilled's parents.

(Y/N) you ok? Chilled said.

I basically bolted under the desk and hide their in a ball.

Hey what's wrong? Chilled said.

I-I-I...... Is all I could say.

Come spit it out. Chilled said.

I think your my brother. I whisper.

Excuse me I can't fucking hear a you. Chilled said.

I think your my brother. I whisper a bit louder.

Speak up! Chilled said.

I think your my brother! I shout.

The room went absolutely silent. You could hear a fucking needle fall on the floor silent.

W-what? Chilled said.

I crawled out from under the desk. I showed Chilled everything. Once I was done showing him and basically everyone else everything I looked at Chilled. When I saw Chilled expression it was mixed with surprised and happy. I could see tears of joy falling from his eyes. Then all of a sudden I was picked up off my feet. I could feel something wet touching my head and falling from my eyes. Once I realized what Chilled was doing I hugged him back.

I'm your brother and didn't even know it. I didn't even know I was adopted. Chilled said.

I just don't believe it but want to believe it. My own friend for the longest of times was actually my big brother. I said.

Then we felt everyone else hugging us. I felt a warm feeling. As if everything in the world was just focused on us.

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