Chapter 23

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*Time-skip to Lunch*

(Your POV)

This is so weird why haven't we seen the Vanoss Crew? I said. 

I don't know it's so weird. Bryce said.

I'mma call Max and see if he has seen them. Luke said.

Luke walked away from the table to call Max.

I guess it's because of what happened yesterday. I said.

Don't beat yourself up over it this was bound to happen. Ryan said.

Ryan don't make it worse. Bryce whisper yelled.

Luke then came back.

No luck he hasn't seen them so their probably hiding. Luke said.

Luke can you do me a favor? I asked.

What is it? Luke asked.

Can you let me get wasted so I don't have to remember this? I asked.

No you are not getting wasted don't even start with that. Luke said.

Aww. I groaned.

(Y/N) stop acting like this you need to look on the positive side. Luke said.

There is no positive side to me I probably just lost some friends. I said.

Ok that's it we're going to get ice cream after school and we don't care what you say cause your coming with us. Bryce said.

No. I said.

Yes. Bryce said.

No. I said.

Yes. Bryce said.

No. I said.

Yes. Bryce said.

Fine. I said.

Woah! Bryce said.

Alright time to travel thought hell. Luke said.

Ugh! The rest of us groaned.

*Time-skip to the end of the day*

I walked down the street with Bryce basically dragging me.

Ugh! I groaned.

(Y/N) stop we are getting ice cream to make you feel better. Bryce said.

I don't see how ice cream is gonna make me better. I said.

Come on (Y/N) this always made you better when we were younger. Luke said.

Younger is the keyword how do you even know if it'll work. I said.

You'll see now stop being so stubborn. Ryan said.

Ugh! I groaned.

When we got there I saw a group of familiar faces. Everyone from my gang was there.

Hey knuckle head. Chilled said.

Ugh! I groaned.

It's that bad? Chilled asked.

Yup she's being so stubborn. Luke said.

Hmm. Chilled hummed.

Can I leave now? I asked.

No. Everyone said in unison.

UGH! I groaned.

Go get her some ice cream. Chilled said.

Come on (Y/N). Bryce said.

Fucking end my life. I groaned.

(Y/N) stop acting like a child. Ryan said.

I stuck my tongue out at him. By now I was being dragged by my hood into the ice cream parlor. Bryce payed for the ice creams and we walked outside. When we got to the table Bryce gave me my cup of ice cream and we started to eat our ice cream. I slowly ate mine and I could tell that the others were concerned about be. Then I saw Luke smile out of the corner of my eye.

What's with that look? I asked.

I thought of something funny wanna hear it? Luke said.

Sure. I said.

Luke walked over to me and got close to my ear.

Get pranked. He whispered.

Then he slapped a small drop of ice cream on my nose with his finger.

Hey! I said.

Two can play that game! I said as I stuck a finger in my ice cream and slapping it on his nose.

I laughed at his wide eyed expression. Then got scared by Ryan and Bryce doing the same thing to me. Then a mini ice cream war was started between the four of us. At the end of it we had ice cream all over our noses and cheeks. I took a napkin and wiped my face off and the others did the same.

I see someone is much better. Nanners said.

I guess. I said.

Aww come on cheer up. Minx said.

Mmm. I groaned.

Ugh! Everyone else groaned.

Stop being so stubborn and cheer up those dick bags had it coming. Mark said.

Mmm. I groaned.

What do you want us to do find them and bring them here. Jack said.

I looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

No (Y/N) stop it. Jack said.

I continued the eyes until it started to hurt. I let out a sigh and put my head down on the table. After a few minutes I started to eat my ice cream again. Then when everyone finished their ice cream we started to walk home. Bryce walked home with me while Ryan and Luke walked home together. The walk to my house was quite and awkward.

Hey (Y/N). Bryce said.

Hmm? I hummed.

I know your kinda down and want to see your other friends but they'll come around I know it. Bryce said.

*Sighs* I hope your right. I said.

We got to my house and I waved goodbye to Bryce. He waved back and I went inside. I went up to my room and closed and locked the door. I throw my bag into the wall and belly flopped onto my bed. Then I start to cry. I try to stop but I can't help it.

What's wrong with me why am I crying? I asked between sobs.

I bawled eyes out that night, I didn't eat, or sleep. My emotions were all over the place and I couldn't even control one.

*The Next Morning*

I hadn't gone to sleep last night. My eyes had dark circles and bags under them. My body had become weak from crying and I still had tears here and there falling from my eyes. I got out of my bed and walked over to my bathroom. I walked in and looked at myself in the mirror. I opened the mirror cabinet and pulled out a razor. At first I was hesitant to pull it out but I did. I slowly moved it closer to my wrist and just before I was about to cut myself my hands started shake. I dropped the razor in the sink and backed away.

What am I doing? I said.

I looked at my hands then it came to me I was depressed. I took my razor out of the sink and placed it back in the mirror cabinet. 

Am I really depressed? I thought as I walked out of the bathroom.

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