Chapter 21

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(Your POV)

I jumped at seeing Jon fall to the ground. He must've been push cause he fell hard. But when I jumped I slipped off the roof.

Ahh. I screamed as I fell.

I grabbed the roof and tried to pull myself back up but it was useless.

Help help help. I yelled trying to get someone to help me back up.

I continued to try and pull myself back up but I continued to fail. Jon ran over to me and tried to help me but he was having a hard time.

Jon get back over here let her fall off the building! Evan yelled.

No she's my friend and I'm helping her. Jon said.

Evan then came over and knocked Jon off the building. Jon grabbed my hand and was hanging off the building with me.

Evan what are you doing?!? Lui yelled.

Getting rid of people how aren't loyal to me. Evan said.

Taking over your dad's job really changed you Evan! Jon yelled.

Bye bye. Evan said and stepped on my hand.

I let go of the edge of the building but Jon caught us on a window but shattered glass flew and we got cut. I got a few cuts on my face. Jon got his hand cut.

Fuck! Jon yelled.

What? Your not dead! Evan said.

Evan look at your self and stop acting like the actual idiot. Jon shouted.

Evan growled then blinked and his eyes went from hate to sorrow.

What have I done? Evan asked as he covered his mouth.

Help us I'm slipping! Jon said.

David, Brian, and Marcel ran over and pulled us up. After they pulled me up I ran away to avoid questions. I slid down the ladder and started to run fast.

(Y/N)! Some of the guys yelled.

I pulled out my phone and called Sark.

Please pick up. I said.

(Sark) - Hello?

(You) - Hey Sark I need a place to stay for the night.

(Sark) - What why?

(You) - No time can I stay at your place?

(Sark) - Sure.

(You) - Alright thanks be there in a few.

I ended the call and cut thought the forest. I ran through the forest and tan towards Sark's place. I continued to run until I got to the rocky hillside. I slid down the hill keeping my balance. I hit the bottom and walk towards Sark's place. I got to Sark's house and knocked on the door. Sark answered it and I took my mask off.

Hey (Y/N). Sark said.

Hey Sark thanks for letting me stay the night. I said.

No problem your like a little sister to me I'll always help you. Sark said.

I walked into the house and sat down in the living room with Sark, Goldy, and Slam.

(Jon's POV)

(Y/N) was a spy but she was also our friend. I said.

How did we never noticed it? Lui asked.

She hid it from everyone she never talked about the things she hid. I said.

And you were a part of Chilled gang? Tyler asked.

Well they consider me a part of their gang but I didn't feel like I was a part of it. I even told (Y/N) but said if I didn't want to be apart I didn't have to be. I said.

Really they cared about you? Marcel asked.

Yeah they're really nice and they cared about me. Well after when they found out about the whole love ordeal with (Y/N)'s parents. I said.

We should follow her and help comfort her. I know she's probably think now we hate her but we should show her that we care about her. David said.

Good idea. Scotty said.

Craig can you hack into (Y/N)'s phone and see where she's going? I asked

Sure! Craig said.

Let's get back to the van and follow her. I said.

We got in the van and started to follow her. 

Wait she's in the forest now. Craig said.

Well come let's follow her by foot. Marcel said.

We got of the van and followed her on Craig's phone. She was heading deeper into the forest. As we followed her we came across a rocky hillside.

Wait what is she doing? I asked.

Then we watched her slide down the hill and even keeping her balance. We did the same and watched as she went towards a small house. She knocked on the door and a guy answered it. (Y/N) then went inside the house and we saw thought the window that there were more men inside.

What is she doing in there? Scotty asked.

I don't know but it might not be good. I said.

We saw (Y/N) start talking to the guys and we watched their expressions change.

(Your POV)

And that's what happened. I said.

I'll go get a first aid kit to clean those cuts. Goldy said.

Thanks. I said.

Goldy walked out of the room and Sark started to comfort me.

You know (Y/N) maybe they won't hate you. Sark said.

Maybe but they did help you back up off the building so they might like you. Slam said.

Maybe your right guys. I said.

Goldy came back with a first aid kit and took a few bandages and a small spray bottle. He sprayed the bottle on my cuts not even giving me a warning.

Ahh you son of bitch a little warning would have been great. I said as I slapped him.

Ouch I'm sorry. Goldy said.

I pouted and refuse for Goldy to the bandages on my face.

Stop acting like a child (Y/N)! Goldy said.

No I can act like a child when I want. I said.

I crossed my arms and and stuck my tongue out at him if I was a child. He did the same to me and we start to throw soft punches and each other.

Alright you two children better get along or no ice cream. Sark said.

Ice cream? I asked.

Fine. Goldy said.

You two get along so we can put you to bed for the night. Mostly because (Y/N) you have school tomorrow. Slam said.

Aww do I have to go. I said in a high pitch voice.

Yes now let Goldy put the bandages on your face. Sark said laughing a little.

Fine. I said.

Goldy put the bandages on my face and we all went to bed. 

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