Chapter 16

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(Play song when I say so please!)

(Your POV)

Yes fucking lunch! Luke said sitting down at our table.

I smiled a little and sat down. Bryce and Ryan then joined our table. We sat and ate but I couldn't eat because of what happened yesterday.

Hey (Y/N) your not eating are you ok? Bryce asked.

I don't know I just don't feel like eating right now. I said.

Well when you feel like eating eat because we don't need you starving. Luke said.

Yeah now what's bothering you? Ryan said.

Well I kinda found out something that Chilled is doing to me. He just how do I put it not himself anymore. I found out he's been keeping secrets from me. You remember the guys you met yesterday. Well they quit and because they quit Chilled told me they "lost contact" with them. When really he and the others have been ignoring them. I said.

Ouch that's gotta hurt them. Luke said.

Yeah they told me how much pain they went through each day. How alone they are and how they wish they could have friends again. I said.

Well we could be their friends weather Chilled likes it or not. Bryce said.

Thanks guys I bet they'd really like it. I said.

*Time-skip to End of the Day*

I was walking out of the school alone which kinda surprised me. I thought by now Evan and them would be on my tail. I continued to walk until I heard someone say something.

Heya! Someone said.

I turned around and saw Nanners. I turned back around and kept walking.

Hey are you ok Knuckle Head? He asked following me.

I continued to walk until I was in front of Chilled and everyone else. I growled knowing what he was about to say.

What the fuck (Y/N) you ran out of the fight! What were you thinking? Chilled said.

I don't know maybe avoiding a picking side ordeal. I said.

While since you ran away we had to fight off Evan and his gang. And after that we couldn't find you so we sent the noobies to find you. Chilled said.

Yeah maybe if you I don't know maybe just gave me a heads up you were going to do that yesterday. Now I have a cuts on my body from running away and I somehow managed to fall down a rocky hill and making matters worst. I said.

Well maybe if you just picked a side you wouldn't of done that. Chilled said.

Well I'm glad I did that because a learned a thing or two about you from an old friend no make that three old friends. I said.

W-what do you mean? Chilled asked.

Oh don't play dumb you know who I'm talking about. I'm talking about Sark, Goldy, and Slam. They found me in the forest and helped me. They told me how you guys ignored them and how life after that literally became a living nightmare. And now I know that you keep stuff from me. I said.

What no (Y/N) you must of mistaken them for some people else. Chilled said.

I'm not you been keeping shit from me. What happened to the Chilled who told me everything? I said.

I was just uhh..... Chilled said.

You don't trust me anymore do you? I asked.

What no (Y/N) we trust you. Chilled said.

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