Chapter 50/Final Chapter

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(I love this song so much even though it's really short. Play it when I say so though.)

(Your POV)

The plane had landed and we were taken off the plane. Our crate was loaded onto some kind of truck. I felt the truck move and we were on our way. Where ever we are I know we're far away from home. The truck made a sharp turn and I felt the crate shift.

Oh no. I said.

Then the truck took another sharp turn. The crate shifted again. I put Lily in my jacket and held her close just in case. The truck took another sharp turn and I thought we would fall off after a minute or two of no sharp turns I sighed. Then the fucking truck took a really sharp turn causing our crate to fall off the truck and tumble down a hill. Once we stopped tumbling down the hill the crate broke and I could move my arms and legs comfortably again.

We're free! I said.

I take Lily out of my jacket and hold her properly again. Lily was giggling away. I guess she thought that this was just something fun. I smile and look around everything is so different. I'm at the edge of a forest. I look around to see nothing but trees and bushes for miles.

Welp better get a move on if I ever want to find out where we're at. I said.

We walked though the forest search for some kind of town or city. While on our journey we found abandoned house. I took a quick look of it and continued on. Once though the huge forest we found a large neighborhood. I looked around and saw a lot of little kids running around.

Hmm I wonder where we're at? I asked.

Excuse me Miss. A childlike voice said.

I turn around and see a group of  8 children. Their all smiling and looking at me.

You don't look like your from around here. Where did you come from? Who's that in your arms? What's your name? They all said.

Hey I told you kids not to bother anyone. An female voice said.

Then all the kids ran off in different directions. I look over to where the voice came from and saw a young woman. The young woman then walked over to me.

Sorry about them. The woman said.

Heh it's alright. I said.

So is this little one in your arms your kid or are you babysitting the little one? The woman asked.

Well she's my little sister. But I have to ask you where am I? I said.

Where are you? Well your in Ridge wood. The woman said.

Ridge Wood umm could you tell me what state? I asked.

New Jersey. Why did you wonder to far from home? The woman said.

My felt my heart sink in my chest. How is hell's name did we end up in New Jersey. Now we're on the other side of the country.

Uhh... t-thanks I just forgot I have l-lost term memory. I should really be g-going now. Bye! I said and ran off.

This isn't happening. How can we be on the other side of the country. I ran into the forest. While running I tripped on a small rock and fell. I looked around and started to cry. I can't do this it's practically impossible for me to survive out here only. Then I here Lily crying and it snaps me back to reality.

Lily? I said.

I look down at her and see she's crying. I sit up and pick her up.

Shh it's alright Lily. Uhh maybe a song would cheer you up. I said.

(Play the song)

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey 
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy,
Because You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know dear, just how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

Please don't take my sunshine away

I look down at Lily and she stopped crying. I wiped the tears off her face and hold her close to me.

Don't worry Lily I'll make things right. I don't know how but I will. I promise that. I said.

I start to walk into the forest more to hopefully try and find that abandoned house. It might be old and all but it's a good place to start off in. I need to find shelter then I can go get food. I manage to find the abandoned house and go inside it. The house has hardily anything in it. I look around and find a small basket.

Hmm this could be a great way of carrying you Lily. I said.

I open the basket and place Lily inside. The basket had a fluffy blanket inside it. I keep the basket open and walk out of the house.

Alright now that that's done we should find a place to get some food for you. I said.

Lily giggled a bit. I smiled and started to walk off into the town. This is gonna be my life now. Far away from my family. No friends to help me or care about me. I only have two things to do now. 

Protect Lily and find a way back home.

I don't care about what I do here. I don't care about who I meet. I don't care about anyone but Lily.

I walk into the town and then feel something in my pocket move. I look down to see Lily pulling on a small gold chain from my pocket. Take the chain out of her hands and pull it out of my pocket. The chain had a little locket on it which was golden and had wings on it.

When I opened the locket I saw a picture of Chilled, Lily, and I in the middle of the locket

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When I opened the locket I saw a picture of Chilled, Lily, and I in the middle of the locket. The wings had words engraved on them. They said "Time flies but Memories Stay Forever."

Oh Chilled thank you. I said.

I walk over to a tree and sit down under it. I place the basket Lily is in next to me. I unclipped the chain and place it around my neck. I smile and fell tears in the corner of my eyes.

I will be able to go home and I won't let anything get in my way. I said.

I pick up Lily's basket and start to walk off into the town. Now this is where my new journey starts.

(A/N - Yup that's the end of the book buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut there will be a Book 2. Yes there will be a Book 2. The name of the Book 2 will be

"The Wings That Will Bring Them Home"

There is no way in hell I wouldn't have not wrote another book and left you on a cliff hanger like that. I'm not that mean. The second book Chapter will be posted on Friday around 3:00 or 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. Yeah I'm giving you the time to when the chapter is posted. I don't want to surprise y'all and give you a heart attack. This book was a stupid idea but the best stupid idea I've done. I hope all of you enjoyed this book and will read my second book of this.)

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