Chapter 15

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(Your POV)

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around. I groaned in pain as I lifted my head.

Oh (Y/N) thank god your awake. Sark said.

You had me worried their. Goldy said.

Here let me take your temperature. Slam said.

Ugh what happened? I asked.

You got yourself worked up and passed out. Sark said.

*Sighs* I'm sorry I'm just not used to Chilled acting this way. He used to tell me everything when we were younger. I said.

It's fine (Y/N) we're not used to it either it's just not like Chilled. Goldy said.

Well it's been a hour and the storm is gone do you want us to walk you home? Sark said.

Sure that would be nice I don't know how good I'll be walking. I said.

I slowly got up and wobbled a little. Sark let me put an arm on his shoulder. We all made our way to my home. About half way thought our way I started to walk fine.

Here you go now our phone numbers are in your phone. We can talk to each other and Chilled won't know about it. Sark said.

Thanks Sark for everything I hope I can knock some sense into that guy. I said.

Well we're almost there and if you want we can explain everything for you to your parents. Goldy said.

No I'll tell them I'm just not going to tell them yet. I said.

Alright but keep in contact with us. Slam said.

Of course I will and if you need any help call me I want to help you guys. I said.

Heh sure kiddo we'll and just know you got us in your corner too. Goldy said.

I will if you want I can try and slip away for a sleepover or you come with me to a party I was invited to. I said.

We'll think about it kiddo and if you see Chilled knock some sense into him for us. Sark said.

No problem. I said.

(Y/N)! Someone yelled.

We turned around and saw Bryce, Luke, and Ryan. They were running at us.

Guys! I said.

I ran up to them and we collided into a hug.

(Y/N) we were so scared about you why did you run off? Bryce said.

I'm so sorry I didn't think I was just all messed up at the time I'm sorry. I said.

It's fine but what happened to you and who are they? Ryan said.

Guys this is Sark, Slam, and Goldy former members to our gang. Don't tell Chilled I found them I'm going to do that and slap a lot of sense into that man. I said.

Umm ok but what happened to you did you get hurt? Luke said.

Yeah I did while I was about to stop from running away from you guys and the others I kinda fell down a rocky hill. I said.

Ow that must've hurt a lot. Luke said.

It did but my friends here helped me out. Oh Luke I'm sorry bout your hoodie. I said.

It's fine I can always get another one. Luke said.

Well that's good thank you for helping her. Bryce said.

No problem she's an old friends of ours. Goldy said.

Come on (Y/N) we should bring you back to Chilled. Ryan said.

I'm not going to see Chilled unless you want to see him knocked out. I said.

(Y-Y/N) are you ok? Luke said.

I'm fine I just don't want to talk to Chilled right now ok. I said.

But why? Luke asked.

Because he been keeping stuff from me! I said.

(Y/N) come on you should get home it's getting late. Sark said.

I got to go I'll text you guys later. I said.

Sark, Goldy, and Slam walked me home and I went in inside. My parents asked what happened to me. I just walked up to my bedroom and closed the door.

(Y/N) what's wrong? My mom asked.

I don't want to talk about it right now. If anybody stops by tell them I'm not feeling good. I just need some alone time right now. I said.

Alright. My mom said.

She closed the door and left me alone. I sat on my bed thinking over everything that just happened.

Why would Chilled ever keep something from me? He always told me everything that used to go on. This isn't him something happened to him and I'm gonna find out. After I slap some sense into him. I said.

*The Next Morning*

I got out of bed and went over to my closet. I got a white top, blue jeans, and black and white shoes.

 I got a white top, blue jeans, and black and white shoes

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I also took Luke's hoodie and walked into the bathroom. I did my usual and changed into my clothes. I lifted my shirt up and took off the bandages off my body. I looked at them for a while trying to forget what happened last night. I grabbed clean bandages out of the mirror cabinet. Then I accidentally dropped Luke's hoodie but when I bent down to pick it up a few cuts opened. I winced in pain then put the bandages on them. I grabbed Luke's hoodie and put it on.

I hope Chilled won't be around unless he wants to end up in two pieces. I said walking out of the bathroom.

I grabbed my stuff and walked downstairs. I pulled the hood over my head and put my hands in the hoodie pockets. I didn't eat breakfast or talk to my parents I just walked to school. I walked about a few steps into the school before being bombarded by Evan and his friends.

(Y/N) what happened to you yesterday you disappeared? Evan said.

I uhh got umm scared and ran away. After that I kinda fell down a hill and got really cut up bad. Someone found me and helped me out back home. I said.

Aww ye poor ting here take me hug. David said.

Ow! I said as David accidentally touched my cut to hug me.

Oh sorry! David said pulling away from the hug.

It's fine just a little pain. I said.

After that we walked inside not knowing what would come soon.

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