Chapter 9

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"get out of my house!" I yelled staring him straight in the eyes.

"what? Why do you get so mad when I ask about your parents!" he yelled helplessly, coming closer. I stepped back.

"get away from me," I said so quietly I barely heard myself.

"Carson? Talk to me," he pleaded. He went to far, he lost his last chance.

"No, now get out of my house," I said pointing to the door.

"Carson! Stop! Look at me," he yelled, he was angry now. But I didn't want to deal with it, I was tired. He walked straight to me and pushed me against my old fridge. He face was so close, so tempting. He places a hand on my neck and y heart sped up.

"Does this scare you?" he teased and with a trembling hand I pushed him away.

"I'm serious, leave." I sighed and tried pushing past him, he wouldn't let me leave.

"Austin, let me go." I said in an angry voice. He leaned down and kissed me, it took me all I had to push him back.

"No, get out." I said sternly and he slammed a fish against my counter and backed away. I didn't notice, but I was crying.

"Why are you crying?" he yelled at me but I didn't answer.

"I asked you a question," he demanded and ticked me off.

"get out of my house before I call the police! Im done with the way you talk to me," I yelled and pushed him. He grabbed my wrists a little to hard and hurt me a little. But I didn't move, I needed to be strong.

"that's it? That's all you got?" he said pushing me, he wasn't angry anymore but he was trying to push me.

"yeah Austin it is, leave now, I have work in the morning." I sighed and he let me go, feeling defeated. He looked me up and down, I couldn't read his emotion. Hurt? I'm not sure. He hit the fridge above my head and stormed out of my house.

Austin's P.O.V

I ran out of Carson's house feeling sick. I needed to get away,I ran down the street with no aim on where I was going. I turned around to see if Carson was following, like she used to. She wasn't. Anger filled my body as I walked into the closest store I could find, a bar. I didn't care I walked in and was greeted by an older red headed woman.

"hey buddy, what brings you here?" she said placing a hand on my chest seductively. I knew what I wanted and I was going to get it.

"Can I have a shot of vodka and a beer?" I said sternly leaning into her. She was just as aggressive as me.

"Sure thing, come with me," she said clinging her finger on the inside of my shirt. We walked into this dark room in the back and she gave me my drinks. I shot them down quickly and reached for my wallet. The woman stopped me.

"You can pay me in a different way sweetie," she winked throwing her self at me. Have kept feeding me shot and before I knew it, I was drunk. She was laying on top of me and before I blacked out she whispered "this is going to be the best night of your life."

The next morning I woke up with a giant head ache. I looked around and didn't know where I was. I tried to move but there was an old red headed woman on my legs, her shirt off and my pants around my ankles. No, no no no. I couldn't have. I shot up and ran, and I heard her yell after me :"anytime honey!" I didn't have my shirt and didn't feel like going back for it. I walked out into the bright sun. I needed to eat something so I wondered in the empty streets when I pulled up to a small diner. It was a 90's theme and was decorated in pink. I walked in, hoping the employees wouldn't notice the smell of vodka and my missing shirt. I walked in an sat in the back and put my head in my hands. I looked up when I heard a familiar laugh. It was young and happy, like a young child. Bentley. I looked around for him, and couldn't find him. My thoughts were cut off.

"What can I get you?" another familiar smiling voice said. I pulled my head around to the sweet sound. Carson. Her eyes meet mine and she walked away. I chased after her, I wasn't going to lose her again.

"Carson!" I called after her stumbling a little. She turned around, anger filling her eyes.

"why Austin?" was all she said.

"Why what?" I asked confused on what she was addressing.

"why did you do it? Why did you drink last night? Why did you have to go out with that girl? Why did you hurt me?" she asked, deflated. How did she find out? I couldn't open my mouth to answer. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and opened it, she flipped the screen towards me.

"Hope you don't want your little boyfriend anymore sweetie, he's with me right now, a real women" I stared at the screen in disbelief. Why? Why would this woman do that?

"Why did she text me? Why me Austin?" she raised her voice and pulled me into the back room.

"why did she say "boyfriend"? Why did she want to hurt me?" she yelled.

"Your in my phone as "my Carson baby"." I said and felt my face get hot and could feel her smirking at me.

"my Carson baby?" she repeated, laugher lingering on her lips. She stepped closer.

"I didn't even know this woman," I sighed and she stepped back.

"was it worth it?" she asked quietly. I looked up at her and saw a tear steam down her perfect face.

"No, no one will ever make me as happy as you do," I said trying to apologize.

"Save it, I have to work," she said and pushed past me. She walked over to a table and took an old couples order. They smiled at her, and she looked back with an expression I couldn't read. Forgiveness?

Carson's P.O.V

I walk away and helped an old couple. They whispered to each other like a young couple would.

"he really loves you," the woman smiled. I crooked my head, confused.

"yeah, he looks at you the way I look at Rosalie." he said and kissed her hand, making her giggle like a teenager. I looked back at Austin standing in the doorway. People do deserve a second chance.

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