Chapter 11

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My hands trembled and I just stared back at him. He sat me down and let out another long sigh.

"Well son, she lost a lot of blood," I gripped Bentley tighter.

"She was cut in her leg, and has six puncher wounds in her back, one barley missing her heart." I couldn't take it anymore.

"Is she going to be okay?" I snapped stroking Bentleys hair.

"She's strong, we think she is going to pull through," he let out a smile and I let Bentley go.

"Thank you doctor," I said and shook his hand,

"You can see her if you want," he said and got up, signaling for me to follow. I put Bentley down and he walked next to me, I looked down at him reliving memories of...

"Shes right in there," he said and ruffled Bentleys hair. Then I saw her, she looked so peaceful, so ready for whatever what was next. I walked over to her sleeping body. She had a wrap around her chest and tubes in her arms. I don't think she was sleeping because when I shut the door, her beautiful eyes opened. I ran over to her, Bentley in my hands again.

"Carson, I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't do anything. I'm sorry I was such a jerk. I'm sorry for everything." I said tears building up. She didn't answer me, she just stared.

"Carson?" I asked waiting for an answer.

"It's not your fault, but I'm sorry, please leave," she said and looked away, a tear sliding down her face.

"You hurt me Austin. I don't know how you can do that to me, with that woman. I know we aren't really dating, but maybe it's best of we stop talking all together." she sighed and brought Bentley next to her.

"You hungry champ?" She said changing her attitude.

"I already took him to eat, I have been with him non stop for the past week, when you weren't allowed to have visitors, I was here everyday, we were here everyday," I spit out at her, desperate.

"Thank you, you don't have to anymore." She said and turned her attention back to Bentley.

"Carson, I thought we were stronger then this. I thought you were better then this to let one thing ruin something so great."I said and turned out to walk out the door. I wasn't going to stop there and let her hurt me.

"Oh, and I called your parents, there was no answer, everyday." I smirked and I wished I could take it back when she began to cry.She grabbed her leg in pain and I ran over to her.

"Get out. Get out and never come back. I never want to see you again Austin. Because that's all you do to me Austin, hurt. I don't deserve this," She said and pushed a little red button on the side of her bed. A nurse came walking in.

"Yes sweetie?" she smiled walking over to her, fixing her pillows.

"Get him out," she barked and the nurse frowned. She walked over to me and put a hand on my arm. I pulled it back and charged out the door. How could she do this to me? I got in my car and drove home. Who was I kidding, Carson was where my home was. I drove around, not wanting to go home, but when it was 12:30 at night and I had school in the morning, I needed to. I drove to my house, I drove down the long pathway, leading to the gate. I pressed the button "it's me," I said into the speaker and the gate opened. I pulled up to my 3 story house with giant white pillars next to the door. I got out of my car and opened the front door. I saw my mom and dad sitting in the kitchen and when they noticed I was there, they came to me.

"Sweetie, where were you?" my mom asked worried. My dad didn't say anything, he hasn't talked to me since...

"Austin?" my mothers soothing voice said.

"Where's Bentley?" she winched at the old memories

"With Carson," I said walking to the fridge.

"Oh! She's out of the hospital!" she cheered. I slammed my fist against the fridge.

"No! She just doesn't want to see me ever again! She wants nothing to do with me!" I yelled and my father stepped forward.

"Don't yell at your mother," he growled.

"It's okay, I was being stupid." me my butted in.

"Why don't you just," I cut him off.

"What dad? Why don't I just what?" I yelled.

"Hurt someone again, you take enjoyment in that. Whether its emotionally of physically." I said smirking at me. What an evil man, my mom gasped.

"He didn't mean it sweetie," my mom said placing a hand on my arm.

"No, he wasn't." I said and walked upstairs. I wasn't going to my room thought. Sometimes when my dad gets angry at me, I sit in-

"Get down here right now!" my da yelled. I walked to the top of the stairs.

"What?" I said cooly.

"Don't disrespect your mother again," and that was it. The yelling was over. We would go back to not talking, unless he needed a punching bag.

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