Chapter 3; Dresses and Changlings. But mostly Changlings>.<

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This chapter is longer than normal because I was writing it while I was grounded and I can't be arsed to split it up.

“Here!” Pinkie Pie giggled, shoving a pink and white striped paper bag at Rarity. Rarity looked in and smiled.

“These go perfectly with your dress! Would you like to see it?” She asked. Pinkie nodded eagerly and Rarity signalled for Pinkie to follow her. She went through to the back and opened the door. A pink dress was on a doll and it was decorated with different coloured streamers. Pinkie Pie jumped up and grinned.

“I love it!” She giggled. Rarity smiled. At that moment, Pinkie was dressed in a pink boob-tube showing her tattoo (three balloons), a short pink tutu and small pink shorts underneath. Her wild pink hair was bouncy. Rarity went towards the dress and took the sweets out of the bag. She got some fabric glue and started gluing them on.

“You better go; Big Macintosh should be here soon.”  Rarity said, concentrating on the dress. Pinkie’s eyes narrowed.

“Of course, because you don’t care about the one guy who loves you!” She screamed, storming out of the house. Rarity’s eyes widened. What was with everyone today? She shrugged and carried on gluing the sweets on.

                Apple Bloom jumped up and kicked the tree. Apple Jack laughed and ruffled her hair. Apple Bloom was sure to be a great apple kicker, Apple Jack thought.  Apples fell around Apple Bloom and she giggled. She started picking them up and putting them into the basket.

“APPLE JACK.” A sad voice called. Apple Jack turned and gasped. Pinkie Pie was running towards her, tears streaming down her face and her hair had gone straight. Apple Jack ran to her and pulled her into a hug.

“PINKIE! What’s wrong?!” She asked. Pinkie Pie sighed.

“Rarity… She doesn’t understand how lucky she is!” Pinkie moaned. Apple Jack nodded.

“No, she doesn’t. If only Spike would fall for one of us, and then we’d all be happy!” She said. Pinkie nodded, agreeing completely.

“Maybe if we tell Rarity that one of us likes him…” Pinkie suggested. Apple Jack nodded.

“Great idea! Who though? Me? You? Rainbow Dash? Fluttershy?” Pinkie shrugged. Fluttershy suddenly appeared, walking graciously towards them.

“H-Hello.” She smiled.

“Can we tell Rarity you like Spike?” Pinkie Pie asked. Apple Jack stared wide-eyed at her. Pinkie Pie’s hair had just popped back up into its wild state! Fluttershy gasped.

“N-No!” Fluttershy stumbled. Apple Jack sighed and turned to Pinkie.

“That leaves me, you or Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy, where’s Rainbow Dash?”

“Last time I checked she was on Cloud Road with a woman called Derpy Whooves?” Fluttershy shrugged. Apple Jack sighed while Pinkie Pie nodded.  Fluttershy then walked away, singing slightly as she went. Her angelic voice swept through Apple Acres trees and the birds who lived there sang back.

“Derpy Whooves? Derpy Whooves is mentally ill! Why is Dashie hanging around with her?” Apple Jack hissed.

“Derpy Whooves is nice! I talk to her all the time. She has a husband and kid!” Pinkie said, raising an eyebrow. Apple Jack sighed and then stormed away. Pinkie followed her uncertainly. Pinkie saw Derpy and Dashie and giggled, running over. She tackled the blonde-haired woman with the bubble tattoo and they laughed. Rainbow Dash looked down at them and sighed in a joking way. Apple Jack glared at Derpy with a sneer. Derpy was wearing a grey top showing her tattoo and grey shorts with grey converse. Pinkie and Derpy got up. Derpy say Doctor Whooves and grinned, running over to him and hugging him tight. Pinkie Pie turned to Rainbow Dash.

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