Chapter 18; Tears, Tears Everywhere.

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Spike ran into the room and immediately recieved glares. The only eyes that didn't lift were Twilight's. She was concentrated on Rainbow's frail figure. Rainbow was glaring straight at Spike, but her eyes were begging him to go and hug her, they didn't scream hatred. He thought it would be best to ignore that. Apple Jack stood and walked over to Spike, pushing him back, out of the room. She sneered at him before slamming the door shut. He put his hand against the glass and looked through at Rainbow, but the curtain was shut in front of him. Fluttershy ran up to him and put her delicate little hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, we better go before someone shoots us." She said, quietly. Spike ripped his arm away from her.

"No Fluttershy. You've ruined my life enough for one day." He snapped, before walking away. He didn't look back but he knew that her eyes were on his back. He was tempted to turn around and see how she was looking at him, either glaring or looking heartbroken. As he turned the corner, he stole a glance. Heartbroken.

Fluttershy almost screamed. But, being Fluttershy, it only came out as a quiet 'Aaah'. She stomped her foot as loudly as she could, which wasn't very loud, and walked off in the oposite direction. She ran straight into Braeburn. He looked up at her with sad eyes. He must have heard about it. She tried passing him, but he grabbed her small, delicate arm, pulling her to a stop.

"I'm sorry." He said. She flung round to face him, her pink hair whipping him in the face.

"What for?! You have nothing to be sorry about!" She shouted, but it was quiet. She couldn't be loud. No matter how much she tried, she just couldn't be loud.

"I'm sorry for not being good enough." He said. Her heart broke as she realised something.

"You are good enough. You're perfect for me, Braeburn. It was just my stupidness that couldn't realise that." She said, her voice cracking. She ripped her arm from Braeburn's grip.

"Then take me back." He said.

"I can't do that to you."

"Why?! I love you, god dammit!" Braeburn said. Fluttershy's eyes widened and she gasped.

 "W-what?!" She said.

"You heard me. I love you, Fluttershy. I will fight for you every day and I'd take a bullet for you." He said. She fell into his arms.

"I love you too, Braeburn, but I cheated on you. How can you still love me?" She asked, looking up at him.

"It'll take a while to replace my trust, but I still love you. Those feelings don't just go away." He said. She got up and smiled.

"I have to go." She said, before running off. She ran and ran, as fast as she could. She needed to get to her house. She needed to see her beautiful animals. She ran into the house and saw the little white bunny that had been there for her through everything, even though she treated Fluttershy like absolute shit. The bunny raised an eyebrow at her and tapped her foot. She was a really strange bunny, but she ignored that fact, because she felt like she could talk to the bunny. And no, she wasn't crazy. She went to go and get the bunny food, even though she wasn't in the mood to be a slave.

Spike sat on the edge of the road, thinking. What had he done? He felt so empty, so alone. He had cheated on the girl he loved. Rarity had always been his crush, but when he had started dating Rainbow Dash, she completed him. Lust had gotten the best of both him and Fluttershy. He thought back to what happened.

Fluttershy opened his bedroom door and walked in. She smiled at him and then sat on his bed. He raised an eyebrow. She was wearing her yellow dress with butterflies at the bottom. It was skinny at the top and magnified her big breasts beautifuly. He mentally slapped himself, he had a beautiful girlfriend!

"What's up, Flutter?" He asked. She smiled.

"Spike, I need to tell you this. Although I love Braeburn with all my heart, I still love you." She said, getting up and sitting on his lap. She brought the dress up, taking it off gracefully. She was sitting in her underwear, her big breasts nearly popping out of her yellow bra. Her pants matched her bra, they were yellow. You could see her butterfly tattoo. She brought her lips down to his, and they crashed together. Her pink hair danced on his cheek. He was sure that she could feel his hardness. He stood up, lost in the moment, and crashed her against the wall. The door was slightly ajar, but he didn't really care. She had torn his shirt off, so Spike reached for her lacy yellow underwear and tore it off, her bra shortly following. Suddenly, there was a loud gasp and footsteps tumbling back. Spike let go of Fluttershy and ran to the door. He opened it but there was no sign of anyone, only a rainbow coloured flash.

It must have been Rainbow Dash. She must have seen it all. Spike ran his hands through his hair and burst into tears.

Apple Jack sat, shiverring. It was night and she was freezing as she sat, leaning against a tree. She stared at the ground, wishing it all to end. All her friends were falling out, because of a guy. She hated it. She hated him. All he ever did was cause pain for Rainbow Dash, but she loved him. That's what she hated most about Spike. Every girl fell in love with him, even Apple Jack for a while. But now she hated him with all her heart. She was beginning to dislike Twilight for keeping him in her house. She hated him. She hated him! Suddenly, she burst into tears.

"You okay, Apple Jack?" A muscular voice asked. Apple Jack looked up to be met by the caring eyes of her brother. She shook her head, wiping the tears away.

"Spike's ruining everything for everyone. I hate him!" She said. He gulped and leaned down next to her.

"Spike saw me and Rarity doing it once. It wasn't very nice. He hasn't really spoken to me since. I see now, that that's probably a good thing. Come on, you're going to freeze your tits off in this weather!" He said. Apple Jack laughed a little, but then became serious.

"I feel too weak, I don't think I can move that easily." She said. He smiled.

"Come on, climb on my back, I'll carry you in." He said, turning around. She moved slightly and climbed onto Big Macintosh's back. He stood up and began walking back to the house. Apple Jack couldn't help letting more tears fall out of her eyes.

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