Chapter 19; Spike...

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The next morning, something was missing. There was a massive hole in Twilight's heart and she didn't know what was going on. It was like she had lost something dear to her. She got up straight away, not even bothering to put clothes on. She burst into Spike's room, in nothing but her underwear. There was a lump under his bed, shaped like his body, but it wasn't moving an inch. She ran over and pulled the covers off of him. The sight before her nearly made her sick.

Spike was on his back, staring straight at the ceiling. His eyes were wide open, but he wasn't awake. She climbed on the bed and poked his body. His cold, unmoving body. She got her hands underneath his body, and that's when she felt the warm liquid. She dragged him off of the wet patch. Blood met her gaze and she gasped. He had no wounds, how could he be bleeding? And then she thought, maybe it was Spike's disease. There was a reason Spike could recieve letters through his mouth. It was a curse that was put on him. Maybe he could have sent a knife to himself... But why would he do that? Spike wasn't suicidal. Spike couldn't be suicidal... Could he?

Rarity's phone rang. She answered it gracefully. All she could hear was deep breathing and crying at the other end. She instantly became interested. More drama?! How much drama was going on in these past few weeks?!

"Hello?" Rarity said, in her most innocent voice.

"Rarity... Come to the hospital, quickly." The person said, and then hung up. It was a female voice, Rarity could tell that. It was... It was... It was Twilight! Why did Twilight want her at the hospital? What had gone on? Rarity bounced up out of bed and put on her tight, curve hugging white dress with the diamonds on the side. She slipped on some strappy black heels and headed out of the front door. She saw Sweetie Belle in the corner of her eye and shouted that she'd be back soon. She clambered into her car and drove quietly to the hospital. Rainbow Dash was in the hospital, could something be wrong with her? Or was it someone else? Rarity had no idea what was going on and she loved it. Once she arrived at the hospital, she parked her car and nearly ran in, but she maintained her posture and walked like a lady. Eventually she made it in and saw Twilight. She tapped her on the shoulder and Twilight jumped.

"Rarity! Come, quick!" She said, running off. Could that girl not stay still?! Rarity quickly walked to catch up with her. She was waiting outside a room, and when Rarity came into sight, she bounced into it. Rarity rolled her eyes and walked in. Spike was laying on the bed, hooked up to loads of machines and only just breathing. He was asleep.

"Spike!" Rarity gasped.

"Yes... He was dead for a while, I called the ambulance and they saved him just in time. I sent himself a knife through his curse. He cut a lot of stuff in his throat. What could have led him to this?" She asked. Suddenly, Spikes eyes opened.

"FUCK." He screamed, sitting up and trying to pull out all the machines.

"SPIKE, YOU'LL KILL YOURSELF!" Twilight screamed.

"THAT'S THE POINT, BITCH." He screamed. Her mouth fell open as he tried to rip out all the wires. Rarity put her delicate hand on his arm.

"Spike, calm down." She said softly. He looked up and snarled.

"IT ALL STARTED WITH YOU!" He screamed. Her mouth dropped open too.

"What did I do?" She asked.

"YOU HAD TO GO AND GET FUCKING KIDNAPPED! IF YOU HADN'T DONE THAT, I WOULDN'T HAVE GOTTEN WITH RAINBOW DASH AND ALL THIS PAIN WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!" He screamed. Doctors started coming in. Dr Betty Marian came in and told the others to tie him down.

"Are you telling me it's my fault for getting kidnapped?" Rarity asked.

"YES, YOU BITCH." He screamed. Rarity opened her mouth, but Twilight put her hand on her shoulder. How dare Spike speak to her like that?!

"Come on Rarity, let's go." Twilight said. Rarity nodded and stormed out of the room.

"YEAH BITCH, YOU BETTER GO." She heard Spike scream, while the Doctors were holding him down.

Fluttershy was sitting in a tree. Just a normal tree. Her legs hung daintily and she watched the grass blow through the wind. She sighed. Braeburn was an amazing lad. She loved him with all her heart, she really did. But she had cheated on him. She couldn't be with him, she was a disgrace. Suddenly, something tapped her on the shoulder. She screamed and nearly fell out of the tree. Her eyes met Derpy. She had one major lazy eye, but Fluttershy could ignore it.

"Hey Flutter! My, what're you doin' in this tree?" She asked. Fluttershy smiled.

"Just thinking." She whispered.

"About? You do know Braeburn has been looking everywhere for you, right? He's worried sick!" She said. Fluttershy's eyes widened.

"Seriously?! Derpy, you gotta go tell him that I'm okay!" She shouted, although it wasn't really a shout, Fluttershy couldn't shout that loud.

"I can't Flutter, I'm on a mail round!" She said proudly, holding up a package. "Here, this is for you!" She said. Fluttershy took the package and Derpy took a bite of a muffin that Fluttershy hadn't noticed before.

"Thanks Derpy. Just, if you see him, tell him I'm okay." She said. Derpy nodded.

"Of course, Fluttershy!" She said, hopping down out of the tree. Derpy really was something. She loved delivering mail, Fluttershy found it quite adorable. And her daughter, Ditzy, was just the cutest. Apple Jack didn't like them much. Fluttershy didn't know why, but whenever Rainbow Dash was caught talking to Derpy, Apple Jack would get all weird. It was strange.

"Fluttershy, come down." A deep voice said. She turned to meet the eyes of Braeburn.

"Hey." She whispered.

"I just ran into Derpy, she told me you were here. Come on Fluttershy, we need to sort this out." He said. Fluttershy shook her head.

"Braeburn, no. I betrayed you. You shouldn't waste your time with me." She whispered. Braeburn laughed.

"I don't care if you betrayed me! I'm willing to forgive and forget, if it means I can have my Fluttershy back." He said. She looked him in the eye and smiled.

"Okay." She said.

"Yay!" He whispered, immitating Fluttershy. She laughed and then jumped down, straight into Braeburn's arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck, folding her legs around his waist. She kissed him and warmth spread throughout her body. He was the one for her, he always had been.

"I love you." She said.

Picture of Derpy to the side, hehe:3 I think this is gonna come to an end soon. 19 chapters in and NOTHING has happened. Grrrr xD

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