Chapter 11; Pain Inside

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"I love you too" Spike said. Rarity's eyes widened and she had to stop herself from gasping. Spike was looking at Rainbow Dash with a look of pure love. She despised it, she wanted Spike to herself! She shouldn't have played hard to get with him, it was a stupid idea. But she always had Big Macintosh, he was pretty open for business when it came to her. She put a smile on her face and made an exuse to get out before she cried.

"Well, Rainbow Dash feel better, I'll leave you two l-love birds to be together!" She smiled before exiting the room. She slid down the wall and put her head in her hands, crying. Why did she do that? She could have been with Spike, but no, she had to play hard to get with the only guy she ever loved. She was so stupid and she knew it! No-one needed this. The door opened and Dr. Betty stepped out. Rarity wiped her eyes and looked away.

"Rarity, I know how you feel. Every girl wants to be with Spike, even the married women! But you were the lucky one. Spike loved you and only you. Every girl was jealous of you because you had Spike, except, you didn't notice, or care." She said. Rarity looked up at her, she knew her mascara was running but she didn't care.

"How long did he love me for?" She asked. This was something she really didn't know.

"Ever since he came here and met you, Rarity. That day that Twilight Sparkle came into your house with Spike. He fell in love right then and there!" Dr. Betty said. Rarity gasped.

"It's been years since then though!"

"And he's loved you for years. You've only just realised?"

"I got a vibe a couple weeks back... but... I never knew that he loved me, I thought he just liked me. I wouldn't of minded being with him, so I played hard to get."

"You played with him? You played with my Spike?!" She said, "you're lucky I'm supposed to help people, otherwise I would be clawing your eyes out right now. Good bye." Dr. Betty left and Rarity stood up. She had to get home, to be alone. She was an evil bitch and no-one needed her.

Rarity arrived home to Sweetie Belle sitting in her room, playing with her toys. She looked up at the sad, crying Rarity and gasped. Sweetie Belle was so innocent, she didn't realise what a horrible place the world was. Rarity didn't want her little sister to live in a world this horrible.

"What's up, Rarity?!" She asked, getting up and hugging her sister. Rarity looked down at the mess of pink and purple hair, pressed against Rarity's flat stomach.

"N-nothing. Go back to your toys, I have some dresses to make." She said. Maybe making dresses would help her, she didn't know. She closed Sweetie Belle's door and walked to her room. Fabric rested against the wall, making it easy to just get straight onto dress making. Pinkie Pie's dress was on a doll, ready to be sewed. It had pink flares, streamers wrapped around the torso, and the bottom cut out at the middle of the thigh and puffed out just enough. Candy-shaped material was stitched around the brim, and it was all pink. All she had to do was sew it, and Pinkie Pie's dress would be ready. She got straight onto sewing. She sewed it together and then put it to one side for Pinkie Pie to pick up. She then got straight onto sewing the other dresses.

After she'd finished them all, it was the next day and she was exaughsted. She quickly put Twilight's dress to one side and practically crawled to her bed, where she grabbed her silk, expensive pyjama's and slipped them on. She was about to fall into a peacefull sleep after staying up all night sewing when Pinkie Pie burst into the room.

"RARITYYYYY! Where have you been? No-one's seen or heard from you since yesterday!" She giggled, her pink hair bouncing around. Rarity groaned.

"Dresses... they're finished." She groaned, putting her face into her cushion.

"RARITY! Thanks!" Pinkie screamed, bouncing over to pick up her dress. "Oh come on Rarity! These are amazing! Get up, we need to have a party to celebrate your amazing dress making skills!" Rarity groaned and sat up.

"PINKIE! GO AWAY, I NEED TO SLEEP." She screamed. Pinkie Pie gulped and her hair went a little less bouncy. She ran out of her room, dress in hand. Rarity sighed. She needed sleep, it wasn't her fault! She closed her eyes and fell into a deep, deep sleep.

Rainbow Dash was sitting down, rubbing her ankle. Spike was next to her, rubbing her back and smiling at her. Rainbow Dash was sad and Fluttershy could see it. She should be sad, her best friend was upset, but Fluttershy could feel a sense of happiness inside. Rainbow Dash didn't deserve Spike, she was horrible! But Fluttershy loved Rainbow Dash like a sister, they'd known eachother since the start.

"Don't worry," Spike said, "you'll get it next time."

"What if I don't, Spike? What if I can never jump as high again?!" Rainbow Dash cried. Spike hugged her.

"Don't worry, honey, you will. We'll make sure of it, you'll be able to jump as high again." He said. Rainbow Dash sighed.

"I don't know, but I'll believe you." She said. It made Fluttershy sick, how cute they were together. That should be her and Spike, not Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy had hid away from love her whole life, she deserved it now, but once again the more popular girl had gotten the guy, as always. Just like in school. Fluttershy sighed and shook her head. No point in making herself depressed. She stood up and left, not wanting to see them for a minute longer.

"Fluttershy?! Where are you going?" She heard Spike ask, in his smooth voice. The voice she fell in love with. She stopped.

"Away. I can't sit here and... watch this." She said, before walking on. She left them staring after her, confused.

When Apple Jack got home, she called Fluttershy. She didn't know why, she just felt like Fluttershy needed her. She dialed her number and then waited to the tune.

"H-hello?" A weak voice said, as if she'd been crying.

"Fluttershy?" Apple Jack asked.

"W-what do you want?"

"Are you okay?"

"N-no. Spike and Rainbow Dash... they're together and I hate it. She acts like she deserves him, yet she's a bitch and gets all the boys... W-what about me?" Fluttershy said, her voice cracking.

"Fluttershy... I'll be right over, okay?" Apple Jack said. Fluttershy muttered a quiet okay, before Apple Jack hung up and pulled on her cowgirl boots. She walked down the road to Fluttershy's tree house. She still didn't understand how Fluttershy lived in a tree, but it was beautiful so she didn't argue about it. She climbed up the ladders and knocked on the door. Fluttershy opened it, her pink hair limp and sad, her eyes red with tears.

"H-hey Apple Jack, come right in." She said. Apple Jack entered the tree house and sat down, looking around. Every object of furtniture was made from wood, apart from the electricals. It was beautiful, just like Fluttershy usually was. Apple Jack turned to Fluttershy and captured her in a hug.

"I know you loved him the most, you always have, but if he's happy then you've got to be happy for him. If you love something, you gotta let it go, as they say." She said into Fluttershy's head. She heard Fluttershy whimper.

"I know I should, but it's so hard..." She cried.

"I know it is, its hard for me too, but it doesn't matter, he doesn't matter." Apple Jack said.

"Yes he does! I still love him, Apple Jack! I need some help to get me out of love with him!" She cried. Apple Jack knew she had to help, but she didn't know how. She couldn't do anything to Spike, she still loved him, kind of. She couldn't do anything to Rainbow Dash, she was her best friend and she was too fast. What could she do?

Well? What can Apple Jack do? Submit your answers below!:3

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