Chapter 4; Spike & Apple Jack

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Apple Jack watched the two changlings with interest. She was leaning against a tree while the changlings argued about something unimportant.

"No, Queen loves me more!" One of them barked. The other ones face grew red and he was about to scream when Apple Jack stood. They looked at her and gulped. She walked over to the red faced one and stared at him.

"Who are you? Where do you come from? Why are you here?" She asked. 

"Don't tell her!" The other said.

"Well, I'm Jack and he's Joe. We come from the land of changlings because we obviously are changlings. We're here to--" began the red faced one.

"Shut up you idiot!" Joe barked. Jack furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why? I'm just telling her our Queen's plans. Why shouldn't she know? She's going to be experiencing them soon!" Twilight suddenly came round the corner and the two changlings looked at her and gasped.

"Twilight Sparkle..." Joe whispered. Jack tried to move in his rope, but failed and took them both on the floor. Twi came towards Apple Jack and smiled.

"What's going on?"

"I don't really know. Rainbow Dash just told me to look after these two and then she ran off with the princess." Apple Jack said. Twi shrugged. "So," Apple Jack added, "seen Spike lately?" Twi shook her head.

"He's locked himself in his room, says that no-one loves him. I even said that I love him loads, but he just said that was a requirement. He doesn't understand." Twi said. Apple Jack looked back at the changlings. Right now, she wanted nothing more than to run to Spike and hug him, but she had said to Rainbow that she would look after these two. As if by magic, Rainbow Dash and Princes Celestia returned, dragging the queen of the changlings behind them. Apple Jack got some more rope and tied the queen to the other two.

"Let me go you infernal beings!" She shouted. Princess Celestia snapped her hands like a crocodile and Queen Christie shut up, even if she was trying to speak, her mouth was closed. Princess Celestia turned to Apple Jack.

"You run along now Apple Jack. Twilight, I am afraid you must stay for a little bit." She said. Apple Jack nodded and began walking away. She turned down a road and Twilight's tree-house library came into view. She opened the door and went upstiars. She could hear sobbing coming from Spike's room, which tore her heart in two. She knocked on the door.

"Go away Twilight!" He sobbed.

"It's Apple Jack." She said softly. The door opened and Spike wiped his eyes and tensed his muscles.

"I wasn't crying." He said, but Apple Jack's eyes were glued to his chest. Spike wasn't wearing a shirt! His muscles were bulging and she couldn't rip her eyes from them. "Apple Jack? Apple Jack? Are you okay? Do you need to lie down?" She nodded slightly and he brought her into his room. Finally, she tore her eyes from his chest and onto her surroundings. The room smelled of Spike's heavenly smell. It was messy, with his shirts covering the floor, boxers everywhere too. She wanted to stay here forever. A computer sat at the end of the room, a message blurting 'You have 10 emails'. The room was quite dark and she nearly tripped over the mess on the floor as he took her to his bed. He lay her down on it and stroked her hair out of her face.

"You okay now?" He asked.

"N-not really. I'm cold... really cold..." She said. Spike smiled and brought up the covers. His smell coated them too. "Still cold." She muttered, looking up at him. He grinned and moved round the bed, joining her. She snuggled up against him and breathed softly into his chest. His hands danced on her curves and her breath became ragged. Suddenly, soft lips pressed against her head and she nearly stopped breathing. She pulled away just enough to see his face. He smiled at her.

"I hope you feel better in the morning, now come on, let's sleep." He said. Apple Jack was happy that she could sleep next to him, but upset that that's all they were doing. So she pressed her head into his chest and inhaled his heavenly scent, before slipping off into dreams of Spike.

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