Chapter 6; The Tunnel.

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Spike slammed the door and Twilight looked up from her book.

"Where's the shop- Spike! What's wrong?" She said, obviously from the expression on Spike's face.

"Rarity... House... Kidnappers... Take... Her..." He panted. Twilight shot up as Apple Jack came into the room.

"What's goin' down naw y'all?" She said in her redneck voice. Twilight repeated everything Spike had said, but probably with more words than five. Apple Jack gasped.

"Right," Twilight said, "we need to go and find Rarity. What direction did they go, Spike?"

"I don't know... as soon as I got to the backdoor, they were gone." Spike said. Twilight sighed.

"That's just dandy. Come on, let's get Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in on this too." She said. Spike nodded and they all went.

Pinkie Pie was sitting with Rainbow Dash, talking about pranks. They looked up, smiling, but that smile disappeared when they saw Spike's grave face.

"What's wrong?" Pinkie Pie said, her pink hair loosing some of it's bounciness.

"Rarity..." Spike began, but Rainbow Dash sighed.

"Why are you so obsessed with her? She's never gonna get with you, and there are a million girls out there who love you!" Rainbow Dash snapped. Spike took a step back, his heart breaking. He felt tears welling up in his eyes, but wouldn't let his mask slip. He breathed in deeply before letting his eyes go solid and emotionless.

"Actually, I was just going to say that your best friend, Rarity, has been kidnapped, but you obviously don't care, so enjoy life." He said, before turning and walking in the direction of Rarity's house.

Apple Jack glared at Rainbow Dash. Anger was burning up inside her. She understood why Dashie had said this and she agreed completely, but Rainbow Dash had made Spike upset, and that was something that no-one did and got away with. She walked over to Rainbow Dash and pinned her to the ground.

"YOU SEE WHAT YOU DID?! YOU DIDN'T NEED TO SAY THAT, YOU HORRIBLE BITCH!" Apple Jack screamed. Rainbow Dash's eyes were wide, and she gulped before scrambling from underneath Apple Jack.

"Sorry, I was just sick of his obsession with a girl who doesn't love him back!" She said.

"I know, I'm sick of it too, but there's no reason to make him feel like that! You love him too, don't you?"

"Yes! I've loved him since I first met him!" She said.

"YOU DON'T SPEAK TO THE GUY YOU LOVE LIKE THAT, IDIOT." Apple Jack screamed. Fluttershy trotted up, in her shy way.

"W-What's gone on, guys?" She asked quietly.

"Spike tried to tell Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie some very important news about Rarity, and Rainbow Dash practically bit Spike's head off and made him feel terrible!" Apple Jack said. Fluttershy had always loved Spike the most, and Apple Jack knew that she would die for him.

"WHAT?!" She screamed. "HOW DARE YOU, RAINBOW DASH?!" Her screams made everyone's eyes widen, Fluttershy was never this loud. She breathed out calmly. "What was the very important news?"

"Rarity's been kidnapped and we need to find her." Twilight said.

"Well come on then! Let's go and find her! Rainbow Dash,  you can stay here as you obvisouly don't care." Pinkie Pie said.

"I DIDN'T KNOW!" She shouted. Pinkie rolled her eyes.

"Come on then, if you're coming that is."

When Spike arrived at Rarity's house, it had been ransacked. Rarity's clothes and sewing stuff were all gone; the stuff she liked the most, it was almost like she wanted to go. He exited through the back door and looked around. They could be anywhere now. He saw a little trap door next to him and got onto his knees. He pulled the handle but it didn't budge, like it had been locked from the other side. He had to find a way in there, something was telling him that was where she was. He pulled and pulled, what kind of lock was this? He went back into the house and grabbed the heaviest thing he could find. He didn't take note of what it was, but threw it at the trap door. The door smashed and he jumped in. He thought floor would connect after a while, but it didn't. Where was he going?! He heard voices from above. He looked up and saw Apple Jack and Fluttershy peering down.

"COME ON....." He screamed as he fell. They jumped after him and soon all of them were down there. He laughed as he saw Rainbow Dash's multicoloured hair. Suddenly, water enveloped him and he swam to the surface as quick as he could. He looked around. The patern of the water danced on the cave walls, damp, uneven rocks everywhere. He pulled himself out as the rest of them landed.

Rainbow Dash quickly swam to the surface and pulled herself out. She looked at Spike awkwardly, as did he. But he was annoyed with her, she just wanted to pull him to her and kiss him. She felt her cheeks burning so she turned quickly so he wouldn't see. Spike turned sharply on his heel and began walking down a tunnel. Everyone gulped and followed him. He filled Rainbow Dash's thoughts as she made her way down the tunnel. What if he never forgives me? What if he hates me forever? Or what if he forgets Rarity and realises that I love him the most? Oh, I wish. She thought. She looked at the back of his head, the mop of sexy green messy hair falling by his ears. She turned to see Fluttershy glaring at her.

"Move it, bitch." She snapped. Dashie's eyes widened and she kept walking. Now I know that Fluttershy hates me. She's never like that! She thought.

"Sshh guys!" Twilight said, stopping. Everyone stopped and turned to look at her. She was touching the mud on the ground, rubbing it between her fingers.

"Ew Twilight, why are you rubbing mud into your fingers? Ew!" Apple Jack said. Everyone turned to look at her. "What, some-one has to do the Rarity thing!" Everyone nodded and then looked back at Twilight. She sighed.

"Some-ones been in here, indeed. The smell of the ground says they went down here half an hour ago, maybe more. Come on, we've got some serious catching up to do." She said, before getting up. No-one moved. Finally, Rainbow Dash had enough.

"Are we going to find her or not? Because I am." She said, before sprinting off down the tunnel.

Spike looked at Rainbow Dash move. She was sure as hell fast. So fast it was really attractive... What was he saying? She had a go at him for nothing and plus, he loves Rarity! He began running after her, followed by Twilight, Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. He kept his eyes on Rainbow Dash's rainbow coloured hair, trying not to check her out again. Although her ass did move very attractively when she ra-- STOP IT SPIKE. He thought. He knew he loved Rarity. But she wouldn't love him back, never. But who would? Rainbow Dash? He nearly snorted at the idea of her liking him. Fluttershy? She was too shy to have a boyfriend. Twilight was like a mother to him, Apple Jack was a bit too... boyish for him. That left Pinkie Pie. He knew she'd always cheer him up, and her hair was amazing. Her body was sure as hell shapely. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash stopped and he ran into her.

"Sorry!" He said. She smiled at him, and blushed, before turning quickly.

"Twilight," she called, "check the ground." Spike turned and saw Twilight get on one knee and pick up some dirt, smelling it.

"Five minutes ago, why?" She asked, looking at Rainbow Dash.

"The tunnel ends here. There's a door. I'm guessing they're in there."

"Well be quiet then!" Fluttershy whispered in her quiet voice. Everyone shut up and Rainbow Dash opened the door an inch.

"Let me go, you fool!" Spike heard a posh voice say. Rarity... He pushed Rainbow Dash out of the way and she nearly screamed, but luckily she didn't. Rarity was being carressed by two men in black and was squirming. Twilight grabbed Spike.

"Don't." She whispered. He gulped and nodded, before turning back to the gap in the door. The two men kissed Rarity's neck and Spike gave up. This was too much.

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