Chapter 12; A Day Of Drama

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Apple Jack knew there was something she could do, but she didn't know what. She had left Fluttershy's house when her rabbit needed feeding, she hated that thing. Hell, it was cute and all, but it annoyed Apple Jack with it's horrible little expressions.

She was stuck. She had to help Fluttershy, but she didn't know how. She began to turn around to go home, when she saw Braeburn. She grinned and ran over to him.

"Braeburn!" She giggled, jumping into a hug with him. He laughed and she hugged him tight. She sure had missed Braeburn, she never got to see him anymore. But Fluttershy needed her, she couldn't just abandon Fluttershy for cousin Braeburn... She could take him to see her, but Fluttershy was in no state for anyone, never mind a boy. She quickly kissed his cheek and then jumped down.

"Hey Apple Jack! How've you been? Still in a fight for love with that Spike guy, or did he finally get with Rarity?" He asked.

"Neither, he got with Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy got pretty upset about it and now she's crying in her house, a depressed mess. Actually, speaking of that, I best go and cheer her up..." She said, looking in the direction of Fluttershy's house.

"I'll come with, you know what I'm like with the ladies," he said, winking. Apple Jack burst out laughing.

"Oh Braeburn, you could come but I don't think she's in a state for visitors." Apple Jack said. Braeburn smelled of apples, as always. His scruffy blond hair hanging at his ears, his eyes as green as grass and lips shaped to perfection. He was every girls dream, strong, dreamy but he still understood all of your problems. Apple Jack knew that if he wasn't her cousin, she'd be with him in a flash. Well, if he wasn't her cousin and Spike wasn't around... Braeburn was better than Spike, kinder, hotter, yet she felt... attached to Spike in some way. Maybe it would be different if she wasn't related to Braeburn, she didn't know. Braeburn was wearing nearly the exact same thing as he wore everyday. A brown vest top with soft brown tassels, a creamy-yellow shirt, light brown jeans, brown shoes and an apple shaped, red bow tie.

"I don't mind," he said, "you know I've always found Fluttershy beautiful, no matter what." Apple Jack smiled, he really was a sweet heart.

"Okay," she gave in, "come on."

When they arrived at Fluttershy's house, she wasn't in. Apple Jack looked around for her and Braeburn did the same. They went around the back where her pond was, maybe she was looking for relaxing time. She wasn't there. Apple Jack's heart began to beat quickly. She was scared, she didn't know what Fluttershy would do. She looked around once more before spotting a flash of yellow dress around the corner of a tree. It was too high, her dress was too high. It looked like she had... no. Fluttershy wouldn't kill herself, she knows what she has to live for. Still, Apple Jack ran over. She rounded the corner of the tree and looked up. Fluttershy was there, clinging to the tree. She looked down at Apple Jack.

"Oh h-hey Apple Jack. C-can I have some help? I was trying to get this injured bird from the tree," she pointed up to a bird in the top corner of the tree, squawking, "but I got stuck." Apple Jack laughed and then waved Braeburn over. He sauntered over and looked up at Fluttershy. Her cheeks went red instantly and she looked away.

"Braeburn's come to town, Fluttershy!" Apple Jack said, laughing.

"J-Just help me get down!" She said.

"Okay, jump." Apple Jack replied. She heard Fluttershy gulp and then she jumped. Apple Jack ran to catch her, but she didn't make it. She landed with a thud in Braeburn's arms. She looked up at Braeburn and her cheeks went even more red. She quickly jumped out of his arms and then rubbed at her muddy dress.

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