Chapter 17; The River

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Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash giggled while they ran. Fluttershy may not have been the best of them at athletics, but she was second. She could run nearly as fast as Rainbow Dash and jump nearly as high too. As they ran, Rainbow Dash realised how big of a friend Fluttershy was to her. She wouldn't do anything to hurt her, and she knew it. She was a nice girl. She wouldn't betray her. Suddenly, Fluttershy stopped. Rainbow Dash stopped shortly after and raised an eyebrow at her.

"What's up?" Rainbow asked.

"Um... I have to go... Bye." She said quickly, before running in the opposite direction. What? Rainbow Dash wondered. I guess it gives me some time to see Spike. She began to run towards Twilight and Spike's house. When she arrived, she saw Fluttershy entering it. She became curious. What were Fluttershy and Twilight doing? She walked to the door and slipped in. Twilight wasn't anywhere to be seen. She saw Fluttershy going upstairs and quickly hid against the wall so she was out of Fluttershy's vision. When Fluttershy had gone upstairs, she sneaked up after her. What was she doing here? She asked herself. She kept her feet pressed against the edge of the staircase so it wouldn't creak. Finally, she made it upstairs and pressed her ear against Twilight's room. Silence. Rainbow opened the door quietly to see a sleeping Twilight and no Fluttershy. She became even more puzzled. Where was Fluttershy? She closed Twilight's door quietly when she heard a whimper. Did that come from Spike's room?

"Fluttershy..." She heard Spike's muscular voice say. What?! She said, quickly but quietly hurrying over to Spike's door. She pressed her ear to the door and heard the rustling of... clothes? She heard Fluttershy's light voice giggling. Hopefully he didn't have a loud door.... Rainbow Dash opened the door an inch, just enough that she could see what was going on. Well, half of what was going on. She could see Spike. She saw delicate hands reach up and tear Spike's shirt off. Rainbow Dash quietly gasped. Tears filled her eyes as she watched. He turned around and Fluttershy was pressed against the wall, just in her yellow, lacy underwear. You could see her tattoo, the only one she would ever have, the three butterflies. Spike's muscular hand reached and ripped the lacy underwear from her and the bra soon followed. Rainbow Dash's gasp became loud and she stumbled back, the floor creaking under her steps. She loudly ran down the stairs and eventually slammed her way out of the house. She ran, tears streaming down her face. How could they? She said, before running even further. She ran and ran, her rainbow hair flowing back behind her, until she arrived at the lake. She didn't slow down. When she got to a certain point, her feet left the ground and she jumped. Once she hit the ground, she began running again. She wouldn't stop until she calmed down. She didn't care where it took her, as long as she calmed down. How could Fluttershy and Spike do that to her? She loved Spike, she even loved Fluttershy like a sister. She suddenly fell onto her knees and burst into tears. This wouldn't be solved by running. What was she supposed to do? She looked up and noticed an old woman. She was staring at Rainbow Dash.

"Can I help you, dear?" She asked in an old, kind voice.

"Why would you be able to help me?" Rainbow Dash snapped. The old womans eyes suddenly turned mean.

"Well, you're on my land. So either you get off of my land or you tell me what you are doing here." She said, glaring. Rainbow Dash got up and walked off of the old bitches land. When she exited it, she fell on her knees again. Tears began to leak out and she crawled over to the lake, where she jumped in, completely clothed. She dived under the water where she stayed for five whole minutes, holding her breath. She began getting light headed. She knew that she'd pass out soon and most probably die. But the idea wasn't unappealing. It seemed as if it would only come true in her dreams, yet it was so close to becoming real. Her life was just slipping away from her, when suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up. She coughed water as she was laid on the river bank. Her eyes closed as conciousness slipped away from her.

Pinkie slammed the door open and walked straight in, her hair straight and an angry expression on her face. Her pace didn't slow down as she walked towards Spike and lifted her hand, whacking it around his face. He turned back to her, a shocked expression on his face. She glared at him.

"You fucking idiot!" She snapped.

"What did I do?!" He asked, his eyes wide.


"Where's Fl- I mean Rainbow Dash?!" He asked. Pinkie Pie growled.

"She's in the hospital- again. She tried to drown herself, idiot." Pinkie said, before turning and walking off.

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