prologue: the wolfswood

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I ran out into the woods with holding up dress to cover my chest and feet bleeding from the stones and branches.

I was wondering how I hadn't tripped when I kept looking back over my left shoulder to see if my torturers were still after me. I saw the fire of his torch and the closing of his horse, knowing I had no chance.

I was tired and hungry. My feet and head ache. My arm had a nasty gnash that was probably infected. No matter how terrible he was to me, he gave me at least some food and a bed. I sank to my knees in pain as I let him catch up to me.

He grabbed hold of my silver hair and slapped both of my cheeks. I felt a tiny stream of blood trickle down my face.

"Beastly whore! Think you can run from the king? Your uncle?"

"You are no uncle or king to me. You are my abuser, my enemy, and my torturer."


I laid on the cold stone floor on my room-well, my prison. After I returned to the castle, I was publicly flogged. Women started to jeer at me and insult me. They threw their rotten goods at my beaten body.

I was thrown in my cell after and here I lay now. I need to leave this hell. I'm not to be their toy any longer.

I felt my burning rage begin to rise in my stomach and my eyes shone red. I felt my hands and feet turn into paws and hind legs. I buried my feelings and returned to normal.

Before I turned into the beast, I need to escape this cell. I couldn't do that as I was injured. As if the Gods heard my pleas, a nurse came in to treat my obvious wounds.

I hissed as the old woman cleaned my wounds with that searing liquid. She looked at me sympathetically. I gave her a weak smile in return.

"Your uncle is cruel man."

"He hated me for not being a nephew already. I don't know why my mother is related to such a cruel man. He thinks I deserve this."

"Child, I may be a maid and I may be old. But I see you for the beautiful and powerful girl you are. Not a cursed beastly whore those out there think you are. I'm giving you these gifts."

"I thought you were a maid."

"I never said they were from me."

"Who are they from?"

"Viserys, Rhaegar, and Danearys Targeryan."

"My brothers and sister? What of Robert?"

"They are fleeing, yes, but they decided that you needed a few things for your escape."

"Rhaegar is gone. Viserys probably only cares that I join him when he plans to take over."

"Yes, that boy is selfish, but he does love you."

"I understand. What are they?"

"Wait for me to finish with your wounds. Then we must hurry."

She hastily bandaged my torso and my arm. She also gave me a simple black halter dress and brushed out my waist length hair.

After helping me, she pulled out a case that I somehow didn't notice. She opened slow to to reveal a twin set of beautiful daggers. Each had two blades that easily kill a man with one good stab.

"Even ladies need a little protection." Maid smiled as she pulled out another thing. A box that was about the size of my outstretched palm. I took it gently and opened it. A necklace with a silver compass with a ruby just below the N.

"I'm sure it's from Danaerys."

"And a very long letter explaining many things. Do not open it until you have a place where you're sure you are safe. You never know who could be listening. Now, my child, get out of the castle."

I hugged her tight and quick before looking into her green eyes. "I will not forget this."

I ran out of the open cell with my hair flying and my daggers in hand. I didn't cross guards thank gods but I did lock eyes with my uncle. He snarled as he watched me steal a guards belt and sheath my weapons. I bared my teeth at him as I changed.

I dropped onto my hands and knees. My hands became paws and I felt my bum grow a tail. My nose stretched into a snout and my hair melted into silver fur. I became an alpha direwolf. I looked at the frightened faces of those surrounding my uncle and growled at the before finally escaping my hell.


I had run about twenty miles from the castle before stopping and changing back into a ten year old girl. Yes, I was only ten years old when this is happened, but I got through it. No riders or guards followed me out. So, I was safe for now but couldn't afford to stop moving.

I trekked through the dark forest and heard nothing except rustling leaves the branches crunching beneath my feet.

"Who goes there?" A deep voice called out. I spun around in fear to myself surrounded by disgusting men.

"A fat little girl all alone in the woods. Probably a virgin, boys." The same man spoke. I almost laughed. The man didn't get to speak again though. A few different looking men came in on horses.

One of the bandits did take me into his arms. He touched and groped my chest even as he spoke to the men on horses.

"Let the child be." A horseman said gruffly.

"In whose name?"

"Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell." The man took off his helmet to reveal his face. The man holding me and I myself dropped to our knees in respect.

"My lord, I apologize."

"Seize them!" The man were all taken and chained. Lord Stark hopped off of his horse and stood in front of me.

"Please, rise, my girl." I hastily obeyed him. "Who are you?"

"Lady Valaeria of House Targaryen."

"Targaryen? I see your bandages. What has happened to you? A girl so young."

"Many things, my lord."

"Of course. How about I take you back my home? You'll grow up in the castle and have a couple friends. My sons, Robb and Jon. My daughters, Sansa and Arya. You'll be trained and taught. You'll be treated as one of my own, I promise. You'll be Lady Valaeria. As great as the empire you were named for."

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