fifteen: highgarden

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My Darling Valaeria,

Mere months should not be as miserable as the past few have been. I cannot sleep without by my side. I cannot eat without knowing if you're fed as well. I cannot write battle plans without your strategic mind. As you can probably tell, my life without you has been difficult and almost unbearable.
The worst part is that I won't be present for the birth of my first child. You've heard by now of the massacre called the Red Wedding. It is all true. My mother, Talisa Maegyr, and all of my men were slaughtered, butchered, and murdered. It was a blood bath, my dear.
We took bread and salt when we arrived. We ate with them and danced until the late hours. Edmure and the bride, Rosalin, were bedded happily. Walder Frey smiled upon the entire ceremony. Why would-how could he do such a thing?
As much I would like to rest and mourn my parents, I cannot. I escaped the event. I now travel to the Wall with nothing but the clothes on my back. I'm still soaked in the blood of my mother and Talisa. It won't be too hard to recognize me from afar. I've been walking, riding, hiding, stealing, and killing for the past five months to meet Jon. Now, I stand on the Kingsroad, smelling like corpses and horse shit.
I sent word for Jon to meet with you before we even left the camp. I knew I'd be late and that he'd be there for you. However, I did not know that my brother knows nothing. I came upon him stumbling through the Kingswood reading a map upside down. We won't be going back South anytime soon. Once the child is old enough to travel, the Tyrells will transport you both back to us in the North.
We'll always be with you, even if not in person, Valaeria. You'll be alright. The child will be alright. We will be alright. The Stark house will have a secure line, and we will happy. We deserve it, don't we?

With Love,
Robb Stark

Robb and Jon had no idea that the children had come three weeks ahead of time. They also had no idea that I carried twins. Viserys and Rhaegar were so fragile and barely living when they'd been born. It wasn't uncommon, but it was a bit peculiar. Though after thorough feeding and care from Olenna, they'd gotten their strength back.

The two silvered haired babies carried their father's blue eyes. The first boy out, Rhaegar was the opposite of Viserys. Rhaegar cried and cried while his brother slept soundly. When he was eating, Rhaegar softly nudged Viserys' head, which made him splutter on the breastmilk. Loras thought it funny as I worried for my son's life.

"Precious," Loras smiled down at the gurgling heirs. "Margaery will be envious that I saw them first. Are you traveling to the wedding with us?"

"Joffery is forcing me." I laughed bitterly. "I got a royal invite which meant that I'd better appear or die. Cersei demanded that I'd show her my bustling babies. So, we'll be walking into a trap."

"Not to worry," Loras patted a burp from Viserys. "Forty men will surround you three at all times. Ten on each side with a few others around the perimeter. I've also spoken with Tyrion. He says you will not be harmed."

"There's no Lannister you can trust these days."

"Is that why you didn't name him Jaime?"

"Yes, and Viserys wasn't always cruel. I think honoring him was better than honoring the family that killed my own."

"You still have family left."

"I haven't seen Bran or Rickon since we left Winterfell. No one's spoken of Arya since Ned's execution. I've only heard of the abuse Sansa's been receiving in the capital."

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