eleven: robb's camp

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I could smell the dried blood and stale sweat that clung to the soldiers like perfume. Scattered shouts of 'Kingslayer' rang threw the camp and a horn sounded.

"Who goes there?" A man with an unbelievably deep voice yelled from the top of a makeshift guard tower.

"Brienne of Tarth. I return with the Kingslayer." She said frustratedly.

"What about the woman in black?"


"Let them in!"

I smirked as Grey Wind and Stark walked by my side as we entered the camp. The men immediately went silent and fell to their knees. I kept my eyes straight ahead and did not look back. I kept on walking until I reached the largest tent.

It'd been almost year since I'd seen Robb. In that one year, his father died, his best friend betrayed him, and now he's leading a war.

"Are you going to go in?" Jaime said a couple feet back from me.

"I'm waiting. It's been so long."

"Then shouldn't you be happy?" Brienne tilted her head.

"I'm overjoyed, but what if he's not?"

"I seriously doubt it." Jaime scoffed.

"You're very good at scoffing, aren't you?"

"It's something Lannisters are known for."

"You're known for many things."

"Like what?"

"Incest. Murder. Attempted murder. Debt. Hatred. Unnecessary wickedness. Just plain evil."

"Says you."

"I haven't done those things."



"It's the truth. Maybe you will fuck your sister."

"How would I go about doing that?"

"How else? Sticking your cock--"


"You know what, Val?"

"I know how sex works."

"Can you ever just let me have one insult?"

"Can you ever come up with good insults?"

"Can you ever just go into the bloody tent?" Brienne snapped. I took a deep breath before opening the flaps of the tent to the high lords of the North already snickering at the conversation that was happening outside of the tent.

Their smiles disappeared when they saw me. They jaws fell open and they dropped whatever they were holding. I kept my head down, so they wouldn't see the cuts on my face.

"All hail Valaeria of the Houses Stark and Targaryen! Queen in the North and of the Trident! Lady of Winterfell!" I noticed that voice to belong to Roose Bolton. The Winterfell part was almost sickening.

I glared at him and looked him straight in his beady eyes. I guess he wasn't expecting me to be so bold because he quickly left with a strange look on his face. The other men, Lord Glover, Lord Manderly, Lord Karstark, and Lord Reed left as well with a curt bow and began their gossip outside.

The only man left at the table sat clad in fur over his black cloak. He'd looked aged with stress, but was only 18. His now dark curls were still messy. His deep blue eyes glared in my direction.

"Grey Wind. Stark." I called quietly. They came to attention and followed me as I made a wide circle to stand about seven feet from Robb. He released sigh of relief when he saw I was well enough to limp. His cold glare was still set on Jaime.

"Kingslayer, what have you done?" His Northman accent had grown thicker and his voice deeper.

"What have I done?" Jaime looked very confused.

"To Valaeria. She can barely stand!"

"Robb, my health is my own fault." I said. "You can not keep blaming Jaime for-"

"He pushed Bran from a window and made him a cripple! He killed your father! His house is the cause for our grief!

"Your father and his best friend killed my brother which has torn my family to shreds, so I wouldn't speak too soon. Ser Jaime, you are dismissed."

Jaime left awkwardly with Brienne as Robb gave me a look of confusion and fear.

"Valaeria, I'm sorry. I've just been so angry because of I thought you've been dead for weeks and wished that I was there too protect you."


"I received reports that your charred, burnt body was hanging from a rope outside the castle gates. Yours along with my brothers."

"Obviously, he lied. I'm still here good as ever."

"Are you?"

"Robb, please, I'm too tired to speak. We can discuss it all the in the morning, yeah?"

Sighing, he got up and closed the flaps of the tent, signaling that no one was to enter. He removed his cloak and armor before untying his leather shirt and was left only in his linen undershirt and trousers.

I was almost asleep when I felt the heavy weight on the the other side of the bed. Soon enough, Robb pulled into his embrace, "I'll never leave you again."

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