eight: winterfell

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My Darling Valaeria,
I was overjoyed to hear the news of the dragons hatching. I'm honored for the eldest to be named for me and my house. About my family, Bran had said the same to me about his situation. I tried my best, but he listens to you. Rickon, on the other hand wants to live and be with his family, his siblings and parents. Unfortunately, that chance will never come again.
I've made sure that I was the first to tell you. In King's Landing, my father was found guilty of treason and was wrongly executed by beheading two days ago. I ruined my sword by hacking mercilessly at a tree before my mother caught me. She kept saying that you were right. We've still to hear nothing about Arya, but Sansa is still the grasp of those lions. We hope our girl is on her way to Winterfell. Unless absolutely necessary, do not leave without Arya.
Valaeria, I wish you were here. My mother is lost in her grief and I must lead our bannermen into battle. You'd keep us both sane and help us to win. My men have named me Robb Stark, King in the North and of the Trident. I need you as my queen, but I cannot ask you to leave our home and our brothers.
I've sent Theon home to the Iron Islands to seek an alliance with Balon Greyjoy. My mother almost slapped me out of rage. I know you would've. I trust my friend, and no matter the risk we need the Iron Islands.
Oh, I miss you, my queen. I love you, you know that? I'll love you until the sun dies, Valaeria. Stay safe until I come home to you with Sansa and we might even have Arya.

Your Loving Wolf,
Robb Stark, King in the North and of the Trident, and Lord of Winterfell

I almost dropped to the ground in shock and grief. My only real father was dead? He'd never see my wedding to his son. He'd never see our beautiful children. He'll never see his children and wife getting safely to Winterfell.

I used my bedpost as a cane of sorts. My heart nearly stopped and my mind could only see the executioners sword cutting down on Ned Stark's neck. I knew Joffery would've forced Sansa to watch. He'd have put the head a pike by now. Ned's remains belong here in the crypt. Not in that shit city. I promised myself I'd do the same to every Lannister responsible for what they did to Eddard Stark.

I knew by the solemn faces around the castle, everyone knew of their lord's unfair death. They nodded curtly at me and gave me pitiful smiles. I nodded or smiled back trying to hold back tears as I made my way to the dining hall where I knew Bran and Rickon would be eating breakfast by now.

"Boys, I think the news of your father has gotten to your ears by now?" They nodded sadly before Rickon grabbed my skirts and I picked him up. I tried to shush his wails, but he was only a boy who'd just lost his father.

Bran on the other hand was mixing his eggs around his plate. I saw a few drops of tears fall onto the metal plate. I wrapped my arm around his tiny frame and let my own sobs loose. He put his head in my stomach and cried silently.

"You knew he wasn't coming back? Didn't you?" Bran whispered.

"I prayed I was wrong."

"How did you know?"

"I don't know. I don't want to know. I want it to stop."

"What to stop?"

"This is not the time, and you're too young for such things. Robb would have my head."

"I think we both know that's not true."

"Either way. Until you're older. I know this is a day of grief and rememberance, but I have a surprise for you both. Come. Hodor!"

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐅 Where stories live. Discover now