fourteen: robb's camp

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"Stark has grown so much." Robb and I were taking one last walk through the forest. Stark was flying up above us. The dragon had become much more protective when he learned I was with child.

"I know. I'm afraid that someone will come and snatch him out of the sky." I admitted. The southerners hadn't seen him yet as we usually stayed away from the battles. Stark guarded Catelyn and I as we waited for Robb and the men to return.

"When you travel to Highgarden, what will happen to him?" Robb squeezed my hand.

"Olenna gave strict orders not to harm him, so he'll be safe unless the Lannisters do something. They can't do much anyways, he'll burn them alive."

"Has he breathed wildfire yet?"

"Yes, that how he kills his dinner. He knows the amount he needs for him not to burn the entire camp to the ground. His ultraviolet is very sharp. He's learning quickly, and I can only hope his siblings are the same."

"Are you still set on taking King's Landing?"

"I've gotten word from Daenerys about her campaign. She's doing very well, and she's left Qarth and almost taken Astapor. She's a conqueror. I'm-"

"Pregnant. You will conquer like the Queen you're destined to be but not now. Westeros will still be here when your time comes."

"Are you sure? Haven't you been reading Jon's letters?"

"Yes, but those are myths."

"Why would our brother lie to us? He told us he may never come back. Robb, why aren't you worried?"

"I'm terrified. My brothers may never come back from behind the Wall. My mother may die like my father did. Arya is by herself or dead. Sansa is in a place where she's alone, abused, and played with. Rickon has no real family with him. You or the baby may die giving birth. I could lose you all in the span of a year. I don't intend to."

"I understand how you feel. When Rhaegar went off to battle, my mother was terrified. I was terrified. Viserys was terrified. That's the feeling your family has now. They're worried that you won't see Winterfell again. Our house is nothing if you don't return. Jon can't be the Lord. Bran and Rickon haven't had the training. Sansa and Arya are either married to our enemy or lost. Robb, don't do this. Whatever this plan is."

"I'm going to march on Casterly Rock." He disclosed quietly.

"You may as well fall on your sword now."

"Just listen and think. All of their forces are out here. We'll take their backboard and they'll crumble."

"We don't have the men or the strength. Have you ever seen Casterly Rock? It's built into a fucking rock! It's the most defended and formidable fortress in all of the Seven Kingdoms!"

"Then how'd you go about it? How would you win this war? Tell me, Valaeria, tell me what to do! I cannot win this war!"

"Then go home! Let's go back North. Let's wait until the dragons are fully grown. Let's wait until the banners have more men. Let's wait until winter is finally over."

"We can't wait that long. Winter is coming." Robb shook his head in disagreement. I stumbled for a moment. I haven't heard those words uttered in such a tone since Ned was alive.

"Robb, if you're not going home and you fight, that means you'll die. Tell me what you'll die for."


"Gods forbid. I will not let you go farther south for a lost cause. You rode south for your father and sisters. They are lost now. Do you know how much it pains me to finally admit that? But I have. You need to as well."

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