nine: winterfell

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My Darling Valaeria,

These past months have been hard for us both. I don't know what I'm doing sometimes, but then I remember that I'm fighting for my family, to avenge my father, and to make a peaceful realm for our future child. So, with saying that, I apologize for the hardships you are about to endure. I'm sorry that I'm not there for you during this time of mourning. I know that the next time I see you, you'll still be in black. I've always admired that you can spend so much time grieving and not rush the process. I, on the other hand, must focus on other things such as, Renly Baratheon.
Somehow, you can just sense death. My mother returned quickly from the self proclaimed king's camp saying that his brother had him murdered with blood magic. She came back with Brienne of Tarth. That woman is definitely something. I'm sure you'd enjoy talking to her.
You'll be pleased when I tell you we've captured the Kingslayer. He's our prisoner and Mother hopes we can trade him for Sansa. I can tell he's terrified of Grey Wind, so I'll use that to my advantage. I noted that in your last letter, you spoke something of Bran's fall. I've recently been told that it was Jaime Lannister who pushed our brother from the window. You were right as always. I'm sorry for not listening to your advice and obviously wise counsel.
You've probably noticed that I've been very rushed in writing this particular letter. It's partly fear and partly terror. I'm afraid that I'll lose a battle and with it lose my sisters and that I'll never see my brothers again. More than anything, I'm terrified that I'll lose you to Theon. I've heard the same rumors about him and received a letter from Balon Greyjoy. He's coming for you and the boys. I beg you, my love, leave Winterfell. I know I told you to wait for Arya, but I don't think we'll see her again. Please, go.

Your Loving Wolf,
Robb Stark, King in the North and of the Trident

As soon I read the letter, I told Osha to grab what was necessary and that we were leaving before sundown. The party was me, the dragons, the boys, Osha, and Hodor. Maester Luwin and Ser Rodrick Cassel refused. They believed that they could protect Winterfell from the Greyjoys. I told them their plan was stupid and they needed to come with us, but they insisted.

I quickly put on the same black gown I wore when Ned executed the Night's Watch boy, Will. I knew I'd be in this dress for a long time. I took the chest out from my wardrobe and put on Dany's necklace. I sheathed my Targaryen style dagger under my skirts. I simply braided my hair to the right and tied the end with the red ribbon Robb had tied his last letter with. It was scented like him, so I knew he'd kept it on him for some time. I looked at the ring he'd given me years ago as a wedding joke and put it on my engagement finger.

I took a look at myself in the mirror before pulling up the hood of my dress. I laced up my riding boots and grabbed the dragons' cage. Once we were out of the castle, I'd let them free to finally see the open skies.

I left my room and ran to the courtyard, which was in a bustle as Theon and his riders approached the gate. I went into the secret tunnel we'd discussed in case of emergencies and Maester Luwin hastily closed it from the outside. Before completely shutting it, he whispered, "We pray for the return of the Starks. All of them. Stay safe, my dear."

I smiled gratefully as he sealed the tunnel once more. I could faintly see Osha's light from such a distance and briskly moved towards it. Once there, I saw the little lords asleep and Hodor lying next to them. I quietly let the dragons of their cage and they went to snuggle with the sleeping travelers.

"Where will we go, Val?" Osha asked fearfully. This was the first time I'd seen her scared of the future.

"A safe place. The toughest part is the journey."

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