Chapter One: 1864 ✔ (edited)

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Belle wondered around the gardens of her large house, her book firmly in her hand

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Belle wondered around the gardens of her large house, her book firmly in her hand. "Lady Belle!" She heard her handmaiden Sarah yell. Her handmaiden was a beautiful orange haired woman that was sold to Belle's father after they lost all their money gambling. Belle swiftly turned around to see her father with a well dressed man. She quickly realised she was supposed to meet Fredrickson Jones, on a possible marriage. Frederickson had light thin blonde hair, that flopped on his head ungracefully. He had a large hooked nose, and an unappealing sneer on his face. He had a large wart on the left side and a overhung tooth.

"Sorry I'm late Pa pa. I was reading in the gardens." She said as she walked over to them. Trying not to grimace at the man. She knew she was her father's favourite but that didn't mean she was never subject to his cruelties.

"Hmm, we'd have to sort that out won't we? You should be cooking, not reading." The pompous voice of Fredrickson Jones spat out.

"I already see you are not good enough for my daughter. I believe you should be leaving, a good'day to you Mr Jones." Guinesipee Salvatore said haistly noticing his daughters uncomfortable manner. He also did not want her to have to give up her reading for a man who thinks himself better then the Salvatore name. Especially one that looks like Fredrickson.

"Good day" Mr Jones spat as he walked out of the door, slamming it as he left. This was his last chance of marrying a reputable lady. He would now have to marry someone far below his station. Unless he can secure an arranged marriage outside of the town.

"thank you Papa." Belle said softly, to which the man just sneered.

"We still have to find you a husband, and soon."


Katherine bowed at Stefan, her smile rather suggestive, "You must be Miss Piece?" Stefan asked.

"Call me Katherine." she smiled. She began frowning when she noticed a human in a dress better then hers, wondering around with a book in her hand. She was just as beautiful as Katherine. "Who's the girl behind you?" Katherine asked.

"Oh, that's my sister. Belle! Over here!" Stefan called. Belle's face lit up in excitement as she ran over to Stefan and the new girl.

"I'm sorry Miss Piece, I was supposed to greet you as well. I must of lost track of time. I'm Belle." She said as she reached the two.

"No matter. Call me Katherine." The vampire fake smiled.

"It's going to be wonderful having another girl around. Stefan and Damon are rather boring " the girl joked with a bright smile. Katherine laughed with her, maybe she could get along with this girl. She was too innocent, and that made her easily manipulated.


Far away from the town of Mystic Falls, Elijah Mikealson had left New Orleans in a huff. His brother was stopping his sister falling for Marcel and remained the ever controlling man he was. For some reason, Elijah felt his heart pulling him. He had to follow it, the pain excruciating and only dulled nearer to where he was supposed to be. Unknowingly, he was on his way to her.

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