Chapter Fourteen

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Why did hospitals have so much noise? A young looking brunnette thought as the doctors pocked and prodded her, comfirming her worst nightmare. Her heart broke, heavy sobs racking her chest. She'd lost her child. 

The guilt and grief she felt was immense, like nothing she'd ever experienced before. All she wanted was to have a husband and a child. Now that was swept beneath her, as God has pulled a cruel evil joke on her. Allowing her to believe she'd become a mother. She couldn't even bare to look at Elijah, not that he seemed to care. The last time they spoke was 2 days ago and the last time they laid together was 2 months ago, the night she got pregnant. What was she to tell him? Pretend it never happened and her world remains the same, only she'd feel the overwhelming pain everyday. Or tell him, and see the look of disappointment shine in his eyes.

Did he even notice she wasn't at home? Probably not. 

"Mrs Mikealson? I know this must be hard for you, is there anyone you want us to contact? Your husband perhaps?" Her doctor said, a pitying smile on his face. She hated that look. It made her feel weak, and she was anything but. Shaking her head the doctor sighed. "Well, legally i cannot keep you here. But please take care." Nodding the girl simply stood from her bed and left the room. Signing the discharge papers at the front of the hospital and leaving. She'd been there for a week and what a horrible week it was. Her superior hearing allowing her- tormenting her- to hear newborn babies crying in their mothers arms. Happy families taking their beautiful babies home for the first time.

Walking into the large wooden doors of her and Elijah's shared house she sighed. She wanted to be anywhere but here today. "Where have you been?" Elijah asked in a angry tone, one he usually never held for her. But today was a different time, there didnt seem to be any love in his eyes for her anymore. 

"Surprised you noticed." She snapped, her voice quiet from not speaking all week. Storming out of the room and into their bedroom she saw something on their bed, a picutre of that damned whore Katherine. Gasping as she angrily picked it up. Of course, she thought bitterly. Everyone always chose Katherine over her. This was the final straw, packing a bag the girl left out the window. And shut off her humanity. 

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