Chapter Three: Death comes our way ✔ (edited)

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Belle was an innocent and kind soul, which led her to be blissfully unaware of the dangers of the word and was ignorant to the fact that vampires existed or the fact that her father killed them weather they were good or bad

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Belle was an innocent and kind soul, which led her to be blissfully unaware of the dangers of the word and was ignorant to the fact that vampires existed or the fact that her father killed them weather they were good or bad. She heard the townsmen shout and she heard her brothers screams as they called for their sister. Katherine- her best friend- was being taken away from the three

"Sister, sister!" She heard her older brother Damon shout for her, she ran out of her bedroom forgetting her thoughts about the man. "Father has Katherine." He said, but she already knew this.

She looked into her brothers blue eyes and saw the worry within them. She grabbed her brothers hand and pulled him down the stairs. To where Stefan stood, who was begging for forgiveness from Damon due to the fact he got Katherine caught. Belle glared at Stefan, he had ignored her for the past few weeks and didn't speak to her unless their father was around. The three siblings, once so close that they could almost guess what the other was thinking were now beginning to hate eachother.

"Shut up, Stefan, we don't have time for this." Belle snapped, making both brothers stop brooding and follow their sister in the quest to find Miss Katherine Pierce, the quest that will lead them all to the death. The Salvatore's left the house quickly and followed the sound of the mob and angry shouts toward the vampires. The hid behind a bush near where their father and the other council members would be holding Katherine. The three Salvatore's all came out from behind the bush and found Katherine who seemingly did not want to be saved. Stefan lead the men away by calling that he had found another one and both Belle and Damon pull Katherine out. The three Salvatores, as Stefan had rejoined them raced to untie her. Bang. 

Silence rang through Belle's ears as she watched her brother fall to the ground in pain a single bullet hole in his chest. Belle screamed, "Brother!" She placed her hand over his chest and cried. Suddenly there was another loud bang and Stefan fell to the ground she noticed that he had reached for a gun. Then her father appeared, and her blood ran cold as she realised what he had done.

"You shot them!" Belle screamed as she stood up, her dress soaked in blood. "You killed your sons! How could you do that? THEY ARE YOUR SONS!" She screamed. She bent down to Katherine, who was withering in pain on the floor. 

"Don't make me do this Belle." her father begged, tears glistening in his eyes. Belle looked up at the man in disgust. he had changed so much, or maybe she were blind to it before but he was a horrid man.

"You are pathetic, you are a disgusting weak man I hope you rot in hell for all eternity." She snarled at him. His face turned to anger as he shot his own daughter. His face held no remorse as he did so, her mother would have never spoken to him that way. Her mothers memory was the only reason her father cared for her. Part of him was grooming her to be her mother, he was either going to find her a husband or move towns and become her husband.

She withered in pain, she was looking up at the sky when she saw Elijah stand over her. "Am i going to die?" She whispered. 

"No, i won't allow it." He said to her, scooping her up into his arms. Sparks igniting over her body and his own. She cried out in pain as he did. 

"My brothers are dead." And the world went dark around her.

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