Chapter Seven: Questions ✔ (edited)

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"I want you to be quiet

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"I want you to be quiet." The women said, her British accent shining through clearly. The women then walked away. Not before snapping Belle's neck. Not knowing that every time they hurt her they risk their lives.

"They say he got it." Belle heard the woman say as she saw Elena shaking her awake. Ready to escape, Belle nodded, she couldn't speak anyway so she wouldn't be able to make a sound. 

"Wonderful. And what?" Trevor asked. 

"So that's it, Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait." The women said as Elena and Belle crept down the hall, Belle too injured to run.

"It's not too late. We can leave the girls here. We don't have to go through with this. " Trevor panicked, so they are on the run from the originals. What did they do?

"I'm sick of running." The woman replied, getting slightly annoyed with the already very annoyed Trevor.

"Yeah?" Trevor replied sarcastically. "Well, running keeps us from dying." He said. 

"Elijah's old-school. If he accepts our deal we're free." the women said, Belle's heart had sunk. She had ran from him all these years and two vamps without daylight rings or common knowledge of Elijah's mate was going to get themselves killed. Suddenly Elena stepped on a creaky floor board. "You!" The women shouted. "There's nothing around here for miles. You think you're getting out of this house you are tragically wrong. Do you understand?" The woman asked the girls.

"Who's Elijah?" Elena asked, both the woman and Belle froze at his name. Not expecting the doppelganger to say it.

"He's your worst nightmare." The women said but that was not true- their worst nightmare in theory would be Klaus but for Belle it was the ghost of her parents. Her fathers betrayal. When the women left the two Elena was left terrified. Belle sighed as her throat was healing slowly, but barely enough to speak.

"Come Elena, we should sit. Long day ahead of us." Belle rasped. Elena gasped slightly at the sound of her voice. Belle looked down at herself, her dress was covered in blood and her mask was still firmly on her face. She pulled off the mask, sighing slightly as she did. Elena was shocked at her beauty- even in a rough time like this the girl was absolutely gorgeous. Definitely a Salvatore.

"Why are we here?" Elena asked the woman. 

"You keep asking me questions like i'm going to answer them." The woman replied. Belle sighed, she knew exactly why they had Elena but she didn't know enough about it. 

"Why won't you?" Elena asked.

"There's another one." The woman replied, again dodging any question thrown at her. 

"You got me, okay? It's not like i can go anywhere.The least you can do is tell me what you want with us." Elena said. Which was true. 

"I personally want nothing. I'm just a delivery service. " She said. Belle sighed again, the vervain was getting to her.

"Delivery to who? Elijah?" Elena asked, she didn't notice how tense Belle went when she mentioned Elijah. 

"Ha, Two points to the eavesdropper." The woman laughed sarcastically. 

"Who is he? Is he a vampire?" Elena asked, suddenly Belle started coughing badly the Vervain still prominent in her system."What's happening to her?" Elena asked as Belle passed out in pain.

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