Chapter Two: Mate ✔ (edited)

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Belle walked around the town of Mystic Falls with grace and poise. She was named the most gorgeous and graceful woman of the town. It was not hard to see why. She always seemed to be happy, even if she were not, and was always kind to everyone.

She was very kind though, she never bragged about the things she owned and often helped out at the hospital. She was the sweet pure beauty that captivated everyone's hearts. "Good morning Pearl." The girl greeted as she entered the shop. She and Pearl never truly trusted eachother. As Pearl thought if she trusted the young girl, she would be killed by her doting father.

"Hello my dear, what brings you here?" Pearl asked the young girl. Belle made an awkward smile as she headed over to the counter.

"My Father sent me, to purchase a herb called Vervain? I think that's what it's called." She said confused.
"Ah, yes. How much did he want?" Pearl asked.

"4 jars." She said. Unknowingly she had just caused the change to Katherine's plans. And brought around her brothers deaths.


Belle wonder aimlessly through the forest, somewhere her family continuously told her to stay away from. She had given her father the Vervain hours ago but decided to go for a walk before dinner was served. "Now why is a beautiful young lady, such as yourself in a forest all alone?" A man with a English accent asked. When their eyes met Elijah knew this was his mate his mother spoke of when they first turned. Each Mikealson believed her insane, or using the relevation to try and control the family.

"I went for a walk. I was rather bored, my brother's are entertaining Miss Katherine and Father is always with Mr Gilbert." She huffed. Elijah smiled at his sweet Mate, whos face was shocked that she had just spoken to him in such an inappropriate manner.

"Well, I could keep you company. May I ask your name?" Elijah asked. His smile making her heart beat out of chest.

"Belle Salvatore. Yours?" she placed her delicate hand in his large one. Sparks igniting on her hand, shooting up her arm. Her cheeks warmed at the contact. One her brothers and father would not approve of.

"Elijah Mikealson." He said and placed a small delicate kiss on her soft hand. Fireworks shooting up her arm in surprise. He smiled as he held his arm out for her to take, she delicately placed her hand on the inside of his elbow. Her skin hot with excitement at the prospect of being so close to him.

"Are you new to Mystic Falls, Mr Mikealson?" She asked after a moment of comfortable silence. Elijah shook his head lightly. "I'm afraid not, though it has been many years since I've set foot here. Pardon me if I'm brash, but are you betrothed my dear?" His term of endearment made her smile lightly.

She shook her head, "my papa sets me up almost weekly, though most men are scared away by my brothers. Or my independence. My papa is starting to agree with them, he has always been harsh with my brothers, and I feared he were hurting them. Every time I tried to catch him, it seemed like they were just talking. But now I fear I am correct."

"What's confirmed your suspicions? If you don't mind my questioning," elijah asked worried her father had raised a hand to her.

"He tried to hit me, after the lockwood boy pulled out of a potential courtship with me." She said no more. For he were a stranger and he could get her father in trouble. Yet, If he did. She would be grateful. As she would never forgive the man if he truly were abusing her brothers. "Ah this is my stop," she said as they reached the house. "It was wonderful to meet you, and I hope to see you again some time."

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