Chapter Fifteen: Slater's dead

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Belle really didn't know what to do with herself, She had her emotions yes but she didn't really feel like helping her brothers and their latest doppelganger slut. Who might i add visited Katherine to find out all about Klaus. Belle's brothers had tried to ring her multiple times, somehow managing to get her phone number, trying to get her to spill all she knew about the originals. No doubt Elena told them about Elijah call her his love.

The sound of Belles phone ringing distracted her, allowing her to cut herself off from her toxic thoughts. "Hello?" She said answering the unknown number.

"Belle? Its.. Elena. I was wondering if you could help me." She said, sighing Belle considered her options. 1) Help the doppelganger and become besties or 2) she could kill her. No, her brothers would probably try and kill her. Not that they could. 

"On my way. Where do you want to meet?" 

Rose, Belle and Elena all waited outside of Slaters apartment. ROse knocking loudly on the door, but to advail. "Slater. Slater, it's rose open up! He's not home. sorry." 

"No. We didn't come all the way out here for nothing." Elena said, giving Rose an annoyed look. 

Belle scoffed, "Why are we here Elena? You don't want to despell the moonstone so why exactly drag us out here?" Elena rolled her eyes at her, signalling she would not reveal why there were there. Though she had a pretty good guess why. Walking to the door Belle looked at it, before pushing it open. Hearing chains break on the inside, meaning the door was locked on the inside. Slater had to have been home. "After you." 

Rose walked further into the room, calling for Slater as she did. Suddenly she stopped "I don't think he's going to be much help. " She told the group. Confirming what Belle already knew, Slater was dead. And had been for a little while now. Elena ran to where Rose stood, seeing Slater dead on the floor. Stake and all.  

"It looks like whoever blew up the coffee shop found him and killed him for his information." Elena concluded. 

Belle blanked, "What coffee shop?" She asked yet both women ignored her. 

"Yeah probably to stop him helping people like us. The guy was a vampire almanac. Knowing too much information just bit him in the ass." Rose said, making Belle laugh a little. Ignoring the look of disgust Elena threw her way. 

Belle smirked, "Don't you think it's weird though? You start asking about Doppelgangers and curses and the guy turns up dead?" Elena paled, realising that this was again due to her being a doppelganger. Someone else got hurt because of her. 

"What are-?" Elena gasped as Rose opened the curtains. 

"Its Tempered glass, U.V rays can't penetrate. I used to just come here and watch the day." Rose said sadly, gazing out the window. Belle looked down she never had to experience the burn of the sun. As even as she transferred into a vampire. The sun never affected her. 

"I'm gonna get some air." Belle said. Leaving the room and apartment complex. The girl leaned up against the wall, breathing heavily her emotions taking a toll on her big time. Suddenly she felt someone touch her. 

"Lijah." She said, not bothering to turn her around to look at him. She knew it was her from the sparks that ignited when he touched her. 

Elijah turned the girl to face him. Her heart breaking at his expression. "Why do you want me gone? We are mates."

"Mates?" The girl laughed. "You barely spoke to me when we were together. Don't play with me Elijah i am not in the mood."

The girl began to walk away from him, to which she got herself a broken neck. 

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