Chapter Eleven: wedding ✔ (edited)

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The ring hung around her neck, showing her she'd never really be without the Mikealson's and she'd never be free off Elijah. But did she want too? She didn't know, parts of her wanted to love him again. Wanted to run into his arms and never be released. But their relationship was broken, and the secret she holds would never be forgiven.


Belle smoothed her dress down, her nerves slowly getting the best of her. She looked at a man she now saw as a brother Niklaus, who was walking her down the isle. As her father was dead, and so were her brothers.

"Ready love?" He asked, for a while him and Elijah had been on hard terms but when he learned of his engagement and his meeting of his mate. He knew he had to be there. He even undaggered the family for the occasion. They were terribly angry when they were undaggered but saved the fight until after the wedding. Then thered be hell to pay, if they weren't daggered before they could.

"As ready as possible." She replied to him, her emotions running high. She was worried Elijah would change his mind. If he did what did she have left to live for? Both her brothers were dead and so was her father. She had never told Elijah, but when she went back to the salvatore Manor, after her father's sudden death she had found his personal journals.

How in his journal he referred to her as his future wife, and often crossed out the name belle for Angelica. He wanted her to become her mother.

"Don't let me trip." She whispered to Nik. Who smirked, holding his arm out for her. He looked good, he wore a black dress suit with a expensive looking pocket watch placed firmly in his pocket. His shoes were freshly polished and his hair had been slicked back.

The music began to play as the guests in the grand church with high ceilings and large glass windows. The ground was littered with rose petals, and roses tided to the seats.

Elijah looked down at his brother and his mate. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her curly brown hair was pinned slightly backwards with small flowers pinned along it. Her dress was a large white ballgown with golden embellishments. The top of the dress was a white lace and the bottom was a fine silk. Her face brightened st the sight of Elijah. He smiled at her, and when they reached he pulled her closer, whispering in her ear. "You look stunning my love."

"You look quite dashing yourself," she whispered nervously.

"In a matter of moments, I'll finally be able to call you my wife."

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