Chapter Six: Elena Gilbert ✔ (edited)

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Belle rushed outside, trying to find Elena or Jeremy Gilbert. She finally reached Jeremy as soon as Jeremy noticed the vampire he got worried- but then he saw the look of concern on her beautiful face. "Elena," she said giving the young girl her blood. Her emotions were on, and she was guilty she caused her pain. But she was a doppelganger. They were all the same conniving little bitches.

"Who are you?" Elena rasped out, the wounds that had had been caused from her connection to Katherine finally healing.

"Belle Salvatore."

"They never told me they had a sister." Elena said, upset that Stefan never mentioned anything. she was supposed to be the love of his life and he never mentioned his sister.

"They didn't know i was alive until 20 minuets ago." She said leaving as she knew Stefan and Elena needed to talk.

Belle was walking out out of the Lockwood Estate and suddenly- her neck was snapped. Just her bloody luck.

Her throat was sore and incredibly itchy like a gallon of vervain was poured down it. She felt weak- something she hadn't felt in a long time and she certainly didn't like it. Her neck had been repeatedly snapped and there was a lot of vervain in her system. That's why she felt weak and in lots of pain. She heard three other heart beats, two that barley made a sound- vampires- and one that was erratic. Human. But who? Probably Elena- she was the doppelganger everyone wanted her. Bloody sun and moon curse. She began to open her eyes slightly, no sun light attacked her eyes. So that made her believe that neither of these vampires had daylight rings. "Trevor. Control yourself." She heard someone snap. So someone was named Trevor.

"Buzz kill." Someone replied and Belle guessed this was Trevor.

"What do you want with us?" Belle heard Elena ask. The girl opened her eyes fully but groaned in pain, she tried to speak but the pain in her throat was too much and she closed her mouth again.

"My God, you look just like her." Belle heard the familiar voice from before say.

"But i'm not. Please, whatever you" Elena said through her pain.

"Be quiet." The woman replied, she obviously knew that Elena was not Katherine meaning she was going to tell either Klaus or Elijah they have the doppelganger and that will not be good. It will be extremely bad even.

"But i'm not Katherine." Elena tried again, not knowing that the vampire clearly knew this. Belle pushed her self up, trying to gather some strength but it was not working. Let's hope that this women did not call Elijah- if he saw her like this it'll be their heads. Elijah was protective. Even if he loved another. "My name is Elena Gilbert. You don't have to do this." Elena added.

"I know who you are, i said be quiet." the women said, more like snapped.

"What do you want?" Elena asked, confusion clear in her tone. Suddenly the woman got incredibly angry and slapped Elena knocking her out stone cold. belle couldn't help the sigh of relief she gave, elenas voice was doing her head in.

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