Chapter Nine: Leave ✔(edited)

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She had to wait for around an hour, staring at Elijah's beautiful face, and hating his haircut. When the vains on his body started disappearing she realized she should have left. She shouldn't have stayed, she is betraying her family. Elijah reached up painfully and removed the stake he made from his chest. "You stayed." He whispered. 

"To m-ake sure yo-u don't call Klaus-s She lied, although she did need to do this too. Her speech was still broken due to her not having any blood to heal herself. Elijahs heart broke at the sound of her pain. Her heartbeat betrayed her, and Elijah knew that wasn't the only reason she stayed. It was the mate bond. Drawing them together like it had done, all those years ago.

"You left." He said painfully. His emotions pouring into his words. Her leaving was the worst thing to ever happen to him. 

He sped to her, gently caressing her face. She wouldn't look him in the face, "R-emove yo-ur hand El-l-ijah." She whispered. She couldn't let him in. Elijah slowly removed his hand but instead of letting go of her he kissed her. At first it was a simple sweet kiss, but it was more then that. And Elijah poured everything he felt into the kiss and she couldn't help but kiss back. When she realised what she was doing she quickly pulled away, "Leav-e Eli-jah. And don't co-me b-ack." She spat at him, watching as his face turned to one of pure pain and anger. She pushed past him with as much strength as she could at that moment. Which was not a lot. She gave him a look of disgust. She hated him, well- she wanted to hate him and she couldnt let him not after everything. He grabbed her arm, his face displaying betrayal and anger. "Why did you leave?" He asked in a calm tone.

"Di-d you th-ink i-i wou-ldn't find out about Kathe-rine and-- T-atia. I sa--w the pi--ctures you ha--d of them, you s-till l--oved them. " She spat angirly at him, she wanted to cause him pain but she knew she couldnt.

"Yes i loved them- years before i met you. When i met you everything changed. I love you, and only you."  Elijah begged her, he didnt realise that she had found out about the Petrova's but he no longer felt a shred of emotion for either of them. He knew now what he felt for the Petrova's was barely love- nothing like he felt for Belle. His grip on her arm caused her to lose focus on what she was supposed to be doing. All she could think about was kissing him.

"Bu--llshit, i do-nt want t-o se-e you. Ever ag--ain, leave here. And nev--er ret--urn." She spat. Througly breaking Elijah's heart. She ripped her arm from his grip and sped out- Elijah could easily catch up with her he knew that, but he knew that if he did he'd lose her forever.

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