Chapter Eight: Elijah Mikealson✔ (edited)

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The pain soon subsided, the vervain slowly leaving her system Belle groaned as she woke. Yet her voice still hurt. She knew Elijah would be here soon and wasn't particularly excited about that. Was he going to kill her? Or was he going to make her leave with him?

She could barely move, the pain although it had begun to subside was still extremely painful. Would her brothers come for her? Do they care? Or were they just coming for Elena? "He's here. This was a mistake." Trevor said, rushing in. Belle- despite the pain- rushed to her feet. She had to find somewhere to hide. Rose and Trevor were too busy arguing to notice her sudden panic.

"No, i told you i would get us out of this. You have to trust me." The woman said- Belle was still yet to discover her name.

"No. He wants me dead Rose." Trevor shouted, well atleast Belle knew the woman's name now.

"He wants her more." The woman- Rose- argued. They had come so far and she wouldn't let Trevor throw it away due to fear. They'd be fine.

"I can't do this. You give her to him, he'll have mercy on you. But i need to get out of here." Trevor panicked, Belle stopped concentrating on their arguement and instead looked around for a way out, but she was way to weak. Her legs almost buckled underneath her as she hid in the dark corner of the room.

Suddenly a knock pulled everyone out of their thoughts, fear dawned on them all. Belle's heart was erratic, she didn't listen to Rose and Elijah- she couldn't listen to the two. She didn't want to hear his voice. She couldn't. Both Trevor and Elena were scared but it was nothing to Belle's fear. Their footsteps draw near. Elena and Belle turned, Belle still hiding in the shadows of the wall. Elijah sped in front of Elena, making her breathing go erratic. "Human, It's impossible. Hello there." He said. Suddenly Trevor pulled Belle from the shadows, the air was knocked out of him when he saw Belle but he got angry when he saw she was hurt. He sped in front of Belle, making her heart pound against her chest. Elijah smirked at this. "Hello again, my love." He said shocking everyone in the room. Elijah tried to ignore the look of fear in her eye. "We have a long journey ahead of us. We should be going." Elijah said to the two girls.

"No, please don't him take us." Elena pleaded at Rose, who just looked to the ground.

"One last piece of business. Then we're done." Elijah said, smiling at the girls. He began to walk nearer to Rose and Trevor. Belle already knew that Trevor was going to die, by the look in Elijah's eye.

"I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly very sorry." Trevor said, trying not to show his fear.

"Oh, no, your apology is not necessary." Elijah spoke, smelling his mates blood on Trevor, he knew he was the one to harm his mate and he will die for it. But Rose would be pardoned.

"Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina, and i failed you." He said. Belle shook her head, why remind him of that you idiot, she thought.

"Well, yes, you are the guilty one." Elijah said. "And Rose aided you because she was loyal to you. That i honor. Where was your loyalty?" He asked.

"I beg your forgiveness." Trevor said, but Belle knew that he was going to die, She continued to try and find a way out for her and Elena. I think it dawned on everyone but Trevor that he was going to die.

"So granted." Elijah said and Belle was overwhelmed unable to fully talk, the vervain healing ever so slowly. Rose cried out in pain. Belle couldn't hear anything, she felt disgusted with Elijah. He showed no mercy.

"Come." Elijah said to both Elena and Belle.

"No, what about the moonstone?" Elena asked rushed out, she knew that if they left now Damon and Stefan wouldn't find her.

"What do you know about the moonstone?" Elijah asked, looking at Belle who was just staring at Trevor's body her hand on her throat in pain.

"I know that you need it. And i know where it is." Elena replied fearfully.

"Yes?" Elijah replied, a sort of amused smile on his face.

"I can help you get it." Elena said.

"Tell me where it is." Elijah replied simply. Belle looked at Elena wishing she had never mentioned it, why the hell did she?

"It doesn't work that way." Elena replied, Belle gave the girl props. She was good at working through her fear. She had the Petrova fire.

"Are you negotiating with me?" Elijah asked a smile on his face as he turned to look at Rose who looked back at him with pure disgust.

"It's the first i've heard of it." Rose said angrily.

Elijah then turned to hear what Belle had to say, "As if i'd tell you anything." She spat. Elijah then proceeded to compel Elena and find out that the moonstone was with the oh so lovely Katherine. Suddenly there was a loud crash Elijah asked Rose but she only replied with 'i dont know'. He looked at Belle but she turned away.

He dragged both Elena and Belle out of the main room, Belle a lot lighter then Elena. Suddenly either Damon or Stefan ran past them.

It all happened too fast, Damon took Belle and hid her. Then Stefan took Elena. "Excuse me. To whom it may concern. You're making a grave mistake if you think you can beat me." Elijah spoke. Belle looked at her brother with worry. "You can't. You hear that? I repeat, you cannot beat me. So i want the girl on the count of three. Or heads will roll." It all happened too fast, all she knew was that Elijah was staked. Against the wall. She knew he wasn't dead but she had to stay.

"I-i w-ill come back later, if i go with y-you" her brothers got the idea and sped off with Elena.

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