Chapter Thirteen: The break up ✓(Edited)

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What is love? Elijah pondered late one evening, the year? 1921. Belle was everything he ever wanted, and now he had to choose. lose his family or his wife. He would always pick her, even though he had been pushing her away as he dealt with Niklaus and his threats. He wasn't sure what to do, he was immortal and so was the love of his life but she was killable. All of a sudden he heard a gasp, ignoring it he continued on with his thoughts. 

Belle had become more confident in the years they had been together and was a great friends of his brother Niklaus and Kol, Kol taking a romantical shine to the hybrid. Though she hadn't spoken to Klaus in 10 years due to an argument about power.  

Elijah drank a bottle of whiskey before wondering back into his room, looking around he couldn't see his wife. Shrugging it off he walked into their walk in closet.

Clothes laid ashew on the floor, drawers left open and hangers now empty. Belles clothing mostly gone, nothing but clothing that reminded her of Elijah. It was if she'd left in a hurry. "Belle?" Elijah called, only to hear complete and utter silence. "Belle!" He shouted speeding around the house, all traces of her necessitates gone. In anger, and confusion, he grabbed the nearest thing- a photo of their wedding day- and tossed it across the room. Allowing the glass to shatter of the far wall. And so began his rage, and everything in their house was completely broken. And so was his heart. 

*One week earlier*

Belle Mikealson was roaming around her shared bedroom, the last five years with Elijah were a struggle. It seemed as everyday went by he fell out of love with her. She had no idea where he was going everyday, going out until the dead of night. She was worried he was about to leave her  But what he didn't know was that she'd somehow fallen pregnant. Which should be impossible considering they are both dead. Belle had seen multiple witches who'd confirmed that she was indeed with child, and that it was because they were mates. 

Planning on telling Elijah she slowly began walking to the Livingroom, noticing he was again drinking. But he had something in his hands, a picture of Katherine she'd kept from 1864. He seemed to caressing the picture, it couldn't be. Could it? Tears lined her eyes as she quickly left the house. Elijah not even noticing she was gone.

Her heart felt like it was on fire, was he meeting Katherine? She knew that they had a past but she never thought it was as serious as cheating on his literal mate. She felt the mate bond sever slight, only on her side. But she realised that if he was cheating on her, than his connection would've been severed too. And suddenly, she felt an increase of pain in her lower abdomen. She was losing their baby.

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