Chapter 23

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What the hell am I gonna do with this ring?! Does anyone know that I was gonna propose? I immediately called Ethan.

Line rings 


Uhh... He-hey bro. Wha-what's up?


Ethan! I need to ask you something.


Yeah, yeah what um what is it?


Was I going to propose to y/n?

I heard him move around and his tone of voice changed to a more strong and demanding tone.


I don't know, were you?!


I don't know Ethan! That's why I called. I- I can't remember!

 Felt tears streaming down my cheeks.


Look dude I have problems of my own to take care of I'm sure you can handle this, later. Bye.


No, Ethan plea-

The line went off. Well what the hell am I gonna do now? I put my phone in my pocket. I walked over to the mirror, with that one look..


"WHO EVEN ARE YOU?!" I heard Grayson yell from the upstairs bathroom. I quickly got my lazy ass off the couch and run up the stairs straight to the bathroom. I tried opening the door but it was locked, so I knocked.

"Baby, it's me. Please let me in?" I say. He responded, "How could you love someone like me! I can't even remember if I was going to prop--" I could hear him crying.

He finally opened the door and I walked in. I saw him on the floor crying. He had something in his hand that I really couldn't make out due to ghthe fact that he was holding it so tightly.

He quickly put the object in his pocket and looked at me. "Talk to me baby, what's wrong?" I asked. He finally says something, "We need to talk." 

He quickly grabs my hand and pulls me to my room. I sit on the bed and he closes the door. His face was puffy from all his crying. He starts walking back and forth and I just sat there looking at him.

"Is everything okay, Grayson?" I ask. He looks up at me and sits on the bed next to me. He lets out a big sigh and says, "I love you, you know that right?" "Of course I know you tell me every day." We smiles at me and gives me a small peck. He rests his head against mine and says, "I want to take you out." (I'm out of ideas so this next part will sound familiar to some,like very familiar. This next part is inspired by an imagine on YouTube.) "Where do you want to take me?" I ask. "Let's go ice skating." He gives me a toothy grin that makes me laugh. "Sure lets go." 

Luckily it wasn't that late so the ice skating rink was still open. Grayson payed for the skates and we went in. We tied our skates on and waddled into the rink. Grayson had a bit more experience then I did. After he showed off he finally came to his senses and came to help me. He held out his hand signaling me to hold it. I gained balance and stopped falling on my ass. Once I felt comfortable he let go and skated ahead.

I turn around and look at him, "Gray I'm doing it!" Moments later I fell on the floor. I tried getting up but that did nothing. Grayson quickly skated towards me and helped me up.

"Ow! I think I sprained my ankle." I say. "You'll be okay I got you. Come here we have to take these skates off." He held me in his arms and finally sat me down. He started to untie the skates, he was on one knee. "Aw Gray it looks like your about to propose!" I say. All his attention went straight to me. "Well now that you brought this up, what would you say if I did propose to you?" "Is this a joke?! Grayson I would say yes of course. I love you, and that will never change." I respond.

His face lights up as my words left my mouth. "Well in that case." He says. He pulls out and black box and opens it. A beautiful Dimond ring sitting inside. "Will you y/f/n, make me the happiest guy on earth and marry me?" He gave me a big smile. "HELL YEAH!" I jump in his arms and he laughs at me response. I stayed in his arms for what felt like forever.


I held her in my arms. "I love you so much, Y/n Bailey Dolan." I said.


So I asked a few chapters ago if I should make a sequel to this and would you guys read it. No one really said anything sooo 😕. Idk should I? Please let me know! Love you guys!😘💕 Comment and vote! 

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