Chapter 29

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Wedding Day...


The day has finally come. I'm getting married. I have no words honestly I'm just so so happy. I have no idea how many times I said I couldn't wait for this day and now it's finally here. My mom and Hailee were going to arrive at any moment. My mom said she'd meet me at my place so we could get ready for the wedding together. Hailee and I made up a while ago so she's coming too, I'm glad that we got over things. Her and I have been best friends since we were 6. We'd always imagine how our wedding day would be like. We always knew that I would be her Maid of Honor and she'd be mine. he rest of the Maids were also some friend's I grew up with.

About an hour or so my mom and Hailee arrived. Hailee was texting me all the way here. She finally said that she was outside so I ran to the door. The doorbell rang and the second it rang I opened the door. Hailee practically flew into my arms, "Y/N I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" she said nearly destroying my ear drums. "I MISSED YOU TOO! Come on, come inside, we have a lot to do today." "Yeah, no kidding." Hailee said sarcastically as they walked in and they looked at me still wearing sweatpants. "Y/n what are you wearing?! You're getting married in 4 hours and you still haven't even brushed your hair?!" My mom said. "Sorry I was waiting for you guys to arrive so we could enjoy this day together." I responded feeling a bit guilty. "Aw sweet it's okay we're here now and we'll help you, now go wash your face the hairstylist, makeup artist, and manicurist are going to be here soon!" she said. "Jeez mom, how many people did you call?" I asked playfully. "Oh just about fifteen." she responded. "Are you serious?!" I respond in shock. "I'm kidding just those three only. Now go hurry up!" she said laughing at me.

I ran to the bathroom to wash my face. As i was just turning on the water, the doorbell rang. "I GOT IT!" Hailee yelled for my room. I continued to was my face. "MRS.Y/L/N, THE HAIRSTYLIST, MAKEUP ARTIST, AND MANICURIST ARE HERE!" Hailee yelled a few moments later. "OKAY SWEETIE LET THEM IN!" My mom answered back. Mom walked into the bathroom and started at me through the mirror. "How do you feel?" She asked softly. "Nauseous, sweaty, tingly, happy, really, really happy." I answered. Mom was about to say something before Hailee came in and said that they were waiting in the room, so we all went to the room to get me fixed for the wedding. 

While the hairstylist was doing me hair I was getting my nails done as well. After hair and nails came make up mom and hailed got their hair, nails, and makeup done to we had fun. By the end this is how my look turned out.

Hailee and mom were almost don't so while they were finishing up I got into me wedding dress

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Hailee and mom were almost don't so while they were finishing up I got into me wedding dress. I walked over to my mirror and smiled I took in a deep breath and walked to were mom and Hailee were they both look at me and gasp mom almost started crying and Hailee yelled out "Wow, you look hot!" das how you know she my best friend. 

After Hailee and mom were done we went outside to take a few pictures. As I was about to take the picture I got a text from Grayson.


Grayson💍: Just a few more hours we'll be husband and wife❤️💍

I smile at my phon and text back. 

Y/N: Can't wait❤️☺️ I love you!

Grayson💍: I love you too.❤️😚

I put my phone and and look up Hailee and mom stood there staring at me with their arms crossed. "What?" I asked slightly embarrassed. "You don't need blush to tell that you're bright red." She laughed at me. "[laughs] Leave me alone." We all laugh. We took a few more pictures and walked back inside. The limo arrived shortly after and it took us to the "special spot". Dad was in the limo he got ready with Grayson and Ethan. Ethan was Grayson's best man. When we arrived I quickly got out of the car with mom, dad, and Hailee she quickly ran the front with the rest of the maids while mom and dad stayed to walk me down the isle. I saw Grayson at the end in tears. Seeing him cry made me cry too. I look to the sides and everyone standing up when I was walking down.

I look at dad, he was crying to, he says to me, "Why'd you have to grow up so fast?" I automatically burst into tears even more. We reach the end of the isle and my mom walks away first and she goes to take a seat. Then, dad goes closer to Grayson and says, "You take of her. Or I take care of you." Grayson instantly nods at my dads comment with fear in his eyes. I laugh slightly at what dad said and grab grayson's hands as dad goes to his seat. The priest begins, "We are gathered here today to celebrate this lovely marriage of Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N and Grayson Bailey Dolan...(blah blah blah skip to the I do's)... "Please bring the rings." The priest said. My 5 Year old niece brought the rings up. What you didn't know i had a brother? Well yeah I do. Anyways Grayson slipped my ring on and i slipped his on his finger. 

"Do you, Grayson, take Y/N, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" The priest asked Grayson. Grayson said with his voice breaking and with tears streaming down his face, "Easy I do". The priest smiles at Grayson the turns to me and asks."Now," I wipe grayson's tears "Do you, Y/N , take Grayson Dolan, to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part." i almost instantly say I do. Grayson quietly whispers, "Can I kiss her no?" The priest laughs and says yes. Grayson picks me off my feet and kisses me. My dad coughed loud enough so Gray could hear. Grayson looks at him and puts me down and turns bright red. He moths the words "Sorry Sir" and I laugh at him.

Hours later... 

We had a small party after the wedding and after that its was Honey Moon time. Grayson and i agreed to go to a very nice hotel in Paris. We had a lot of fun. We stayed for about a week and eventually went back home.

One month later...

It's been about a month since the wedding and I am not feeling too great. I've been sick lately and always hungry. And I missed my period. All these things could only mean one thing...

I drive to nearest drug store and buy a pregnancy test Grayson wasn't home he was work so it was perfect. I got home and immediately go to the bathroom. I pee on the test and wait 3 minutes like I'm supposed to. As soon as the test is ready to look at, guess who decided to walk through the door. 

"Babe I'm home!" Grayson yells from downstairs...


Hey guys I know it's been a while just a lot of shit has been going on and I've just really "depressed" you could say. I know things are going to get better. Anyways, I've also been moving so things have been pretty hectic at the moment so yeah. So so so sorry I haven't posted it's been so so long and I missed you guys so much. So I hope you guys liked the chapter. hope you understand. Love you guys❤️


 sorry for any typos

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