Prompt #1

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                Prompt: A prompt when Jin jumped out the window during class

                A.N.- I figured I could write this one even while BTL is still ongoing because it doesn't spoil anything. I'll write the Karson one too, but I won't post it until probably next week because it has spoilers from a chapter that hasn't been posted yet! Also this takes place a year before Kai comes to the Academy


                Jin looked down at his notebook as he scribbled in the back of it. He'd stopped paying attention ten minutes ago as his teacher, Mrs. Swanson, rambled on and on about...well, he wasn't sure what anymore. He'd lost track by now.

                Karson didn't look like he was fairing much better with paying attention. He kept tearing pieces out of his notebook, rolling them into little balls, and flicking them at Jin.

                Another hit Jin in the arm and he let it join the growing pile on the ground. God, he was so bored.

                "Karson Wylie!"

                Karson looked up, seeming relieved that Mrs. Swanson's boring lecture had finally been interrupted. She stormed over to him and whacked him in hand with a ruler, the sound echoing around the classroom.

                "Pay attention!" she snapped.

                "I am paying attention," Karson said. "Not to you, but to what I'm doing. Do you know how much focus it takes to aim these at Jin?"

                "Leave me out of it," Jin said, not looking up from his scribbles.

                Mrs. Swanson snatched Jin's notebook from him and flipped it open to a fresh page. She hit him in the head with it and slammed it down on his desk.

                "Maybe it's hard for you to focus without alcohol, Jin, but you better start taking notes," she said sternly.

                "Can I take notes on every time your speech gets boring enough for me to take a shot?" Jin said.

                He didn't even flinch as he was hit with the ruler. He caught the angry-mother look Lev was shooting him across the room, but he ignored it.

                "You lack manners," Mrs. Swanson said in disgust.

                "Look at him. He lacks everything," Karson said, gesturing to Jin. "Manners, emotions, impulse-control."

                "Listen, for being a 16 year old recovering alcoholic, I think my attention span is pretty impressive," Jin said. "Now can you all just shut up and leave me alone?"

                He was hit once more before Mrs. Swanson went up to the front of the room. Jin nearly groaned as she started right back on her boring lecture.

                He turned his attention to the window, staring at the outside world. It was a hot day outside, so Jin had chosen to go with the short-sleeved white button up, his armbands the only thing keeping him warm in the air conditioned academic building.

                Jin's mind drifted to drinking games, something he caught himself doing from time to time. If class was a drinking game, he'd take a shot every time Mrs. Swanson's current lecture included the word "delinquent". He'd caught it at least twelve times so far. Maybe that would be enough liquor to kill him and end his suffering.

                Jin looked around the room at the others. Kids were trying hard not to fall asleep at this lecture. Karson was fidgeting, someone who didn't handle class well even when it wasn't this boring. Amelia was on her phone, hands hidden under her desk. Lev was trying to be a good student and pay attention, but even his eyes kept slipping towards the window.


                Jin winced as a marker struck him in the head. He looked up at Mrs. Swanson, wondering why it was him she had to keep bothering. Everyone else was zoning out too.

                "What?" he said, hearing the irritated exasperation in his voice. "Everyone is bored. Shut up and quit calling me out for it."

                "I'll beat manners into you," she threatened.

                "It'll be more exciting than you talking," Jin said.

                "Pay attention or I'll send you to Mr. Constance!" she said, and dove right back into her lecture.

                Jin slumped back in his chair, wondering why they still thought he cared about their threats. He'd made an enemy of Mr. Constance early, and he wasn't afraid of an insecure, power-hungry man. They could send him to Mr. Constance all they wanted; at least it would get him out of boring lectures like this.

                Mrs. Swanson's words became a droning white noise to Jin as he stared out of the window again. His patience was slipping and he wasn't sure he could take much more of this boring class.

                After hearing the word "delinquent" seven more times in the next three minutes, Jin seriously regretted his decision to stop drinking.

                "I can't take this," he mumbled, and Karson looked over at him curiously.

                Jin pushed his chair back and got u, ignoring Mrs. Swanson as she snapped at him to sit back down. He went over to the window, unlocked it, and swung his body over it.

                He hit the ground at a crouch and straightened up, strolling away from the building. He could hear Mrs. Swanson screaming his name from the window, but he put his headphones on and turned his music up.

                The heat hit him instantly, but he tilted his head up towards the sun, unbuttoning the top of his shirt. God, it felt good to be away from that class. If a teacher ever gave another dull lecture like that, he might just fling himself from the rooftop next time.

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