Prompt #16

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                Prompt: Can you do a prompt of Kai's accident?


                I checked the time and sighed. It was getting late, and I'd ridden out farther than I'd intended to. My mom would have dinner ready soon and she hated when I was late.

                I texted her to let her know that I was on my way home before stretching a little. It was a nice day out and maybe after dinner, I'd see if my friends wanted to go hiking. There was a trail just a little outside of town that gave the best view of the sky. At night, it was so pretty to look at.

                I jogged over to my bike and swung onto it, pulling on my helmet. When I rode around the neighborhood, I usually ditched my helmet. But if I went for long rides like this, well, rather safe than sorry. I'd fallen before when my friends and I went off on rough terrain.

                Taking off down the road, I tilted my head up a little, the wind whipping against my skin. This route was usually pretty quiet, only a few cars or other bikers.

                I could feel the smile stretching on my face. There was nothing better than feeling that wind against my face and watching the world race by as I rode. Maybe I'd go for a run after dinner and then see if anyone wanted to hike.

                I spotted a cat up ahead. It looked like it was a pawing at something in the road, maybe a dead squirrel or something.

                As I got closer, it turned out I was right. The cat was pawing at a dead squirrel in the road, though it was probably a stray. There were a couple of strays who wandered the roads out this way, and I'd even had a few dart in front of my bike before.

                I shrugged it off. Not my cat, not my problem. It was pretty easy to spot, so drivers would have plenty of time to stop before they hit it. Besides, if I got it off the road, it would just run right back out the second I was gone.

                That's when I heard the tires squealing.

                It was a loud, sudden sound. I started to turn my head over my shoulder, wondering if someone had hit the brakes too hard when they saw the cat.

                But before I could even turn my head all the way, something heavy struck my body. A scream choked in my throat as I was thrown, my hands gripping the handles of my bike so tightly that I pulled the bike with me as I fell.

                The screams finally escaped me as something ungodly heavy dropped on my leg. The pressure was so great I was sure my leg was going to snap right off.

                My breath wheezed through my lungs and my chest ached with each scream, but the pain just wouldn't stop, it wouldn't stop, oh god it hurt, it hurt, it hurt, make it stop.

                I screamed louder, trying to reach for my leg but sending a sharp jolt of pain through my arm instead. My arm. God, I couldn't move my arm or either of my legs.

                My head was pounding and the straps of my helmet felt too tight. The pain was heavy and fierce and no amount of screaming was making it stop.

                Through the roar of pain pounding in my ears, I could hear a voice. "...-ming! Help is coming, hang in there!" Crying. They were crying and yelling to me. "Someone help! Someone please help!"

                It was too much.

                I was going to die here. My vision was already getting dark, and the pressure on my leg was so great I'd welcome dying at this point.

                So I let the darkness take me.

                It didn't keep me.

                I don't know how long it was, but when I snapped my eyes open, I was still screaming. Nothing had changed, there was still so much pain. Why couldn't I die? Wouldn't anything be better than this?

                "Make it stop!" I shrieked, moving my good arm and slapping uselessly at whatever was pinning my leg down. A tired, my dazed mind informed me. The car was on my leg. I screamed louder.

                In and out of the darkness I went, the screams making my ears ring. I could hear other voices yelling now, and I could feel blood making my clothes stick to me. I pried helplessly at my helmet strap with my good hand, but blood was on my face and my fingers were wet with it, making it impossible for me to pull the helmet off.

                Lights flashed in my vision and someone started yelling out orders. Two people dropped down next to me, one of them carefully pulling my hand away from the helmet and trying to talk to me.

                But my screams were too loud and I couldn't hear his voice. I just caught little bits of what the people surrounding me were shouting out.

                "-need immediate surgery-"

                "-get the car off-"

                "-too much blood-"


                "-ahead to the hospital-"

                I was dizzy and my chest felt so tight I could hardly breathe. The pain dug its claws into every inch of my body and dragged me back into the darkness.

                I hoped this time I wouldn't wake up. I couldn't take this anymore.

                But I would wake up again.

                And when I did, everything would change.

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