Prompt #10

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                Prompt: A prompt of Jin and Kai when they get engaged? I just think that'd be such a moment (happy and emotional kinda) for them and it'd be really sweet


                "Jin!" I called. "Hurry up, asshole."

                Jin came out and shoved his feet into his sneakers. We left our apartment, locking the door and taking the elevator down to the ground floor. We went out the back door of the complex and started along towards the trail in the back.

                We took a walk every day, usually in the evening just before it got dark. I liked to stretch my leg and Jin liked a chance to get out and clear his head after work.

                It also helped me strengthen my leg a little. Jin was good about helping me keep up my exercises to help my leg.

                "It's not too cold," Jin said, looking up at the trees overhead as we started along the path at an easy pace.

                "It was hot all day," I said. "Do you know how weather works?"

                "Shut up," he said. "I could knock you over and leave you."

                "Do it," I challenged.

                But he just kept walking. I rolled my eyes and followed him down the path.

                It was quiet, a path people usually walked in the early morning. Jin pulled half a straw out of his pocket and put it in his mouth, pushing it to the corner.

                "We have to clean the apartment when we get back," I said.

                "I did the dishes," he said.

                "It was my night to do them," I said.

                He shrugged. "I was putting my glass in the sink and figured I'd just do them while I was there."

                "Quit doing my chores," I said, hitting him with my cane. "I want to feel like I'm contributing to our apartment."

                He gazed impassively at me. "Then contribute. Make the bed in the morning or something. I don't care."

                "I don't care," I mocked. "Why would I make the bed when you're just going to take twelve naps an hour anyway?"

                "You're trying to make it sound like my problem, when it's not," he said, taking my hand in his.

                We walked in silence for a bit, hand-in-hand. It was like this most nights; just silent walks where we enjoyed each other's company. Sometimes we'd talk about work or what had happened during our days, but most nights, we just liked the quiet companionship.

                My heartrate kicked into overdrive as we neared the end of our walk. We took the shorter route so my leg wouldn't get sore, and right now, I was wishing we were on the longer route.

                But we reached the end of the path, the apartment complex coming back into sight. The sun had set while we walked, and the sky was starting to grow dark. It was quiet out, no one else in sight.

                Jin started to step off the path, but I tugged on his hand. He looked at me curiously.

                "Does your leg hurt?" he asked. Sometimes I had bad days with my leg, and he'd have to piggyback me to the apartment.

                I shook my head. "No."

                "Then what do you want?" he said.

                I didn't know what he was going to say. I didn't know how he was going to react. But I had to do this before my nerves ate me alive and I missed my chance.

                "Jin," I said. "I love you."

                "I'm aware," he said.

                I rolled my eyes. "You're making me regret it."

                "Was there a point to this?" he said.

                "I love you and I love our walks together. But I want to walk on a new path with you," I said.

                He raised an eyebrow. "A new path?"

                I dug in my pocket and pulled out the small, black box. I opened it, watching as even Jin Amano couldn't hide his surprise at the sight of the ring inside.

                "Will you marry me?" I said.

                He struggled to pull his features back into that impassive expression of his. But he'd been healing himself ever since we graduated, and his lips twitched as he fought a smile.

                "I don't care," he said, holding his hand out to me.

                I slipped the ring onto his finger and tucked the box back in my pocket. He pulled me close, kissing me so hard it caught me off guard.

                "I love you," he mumbled against my lips.

                "We're going to be husbands," I said, hardly able to believe it.

                "I don't care," he said, but he was smiling. He held his hand up so we could admire the ring.

                "You don't care?" I said, returning the smile as I laced my fingers with his, feeling the cool press of the ring against my skin.

                "I guess I care a little," he said, and kissed me again.

                We stepped off the path together, our hands clasped together, neither of us able to hide our joy. We had come so far, and now we could go so much farther together as husbands.

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