Prompt #18

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                Prompt: Hey, I was wondering if you could do a BTL prompt about the first time Jin faints at the academy?


                "You look like shit. I mean, you always do, but worse shit than usual," Karson said.

                Jin ignored him as the two walked to class. Jin had skipped lunch and dinner last night, and skipped breakfast this morning. He felt a little lightheaded, and figured he should grab a meal at lunch time today.

                They walked into their first period class and took their seats together. Jin watched as Lev and Amelia entered the room, both waving to him. He just gave a light nod, his body feeling too weak to lift his arms.

                He hadn't slept well last night, either. And his thoughts had been creeping towards alcohol.

                "Jin? Jin!"

                Karson was waving in Jin's face. Jin smacked his hand away and rubbed his eyes.

                "You're pale. And that's saying something about your Asian ass," Karson said. "Were you drinking again?"

                "No, I wasn't drinking," Jin said. "Shut up. I'm fine."

                "Fine, but if you're sick, I'm kicking you out of the room until you're better. I'm not testing my immune system at this hell on earth," Karson said.

                "Shut up. I said I'm fine," Jin said.

                He didn't feel fine, but he figured he'd make it until lunch. Once he had a little food in him, he'd make it through the day until he could lie down and take a nap.

                "All of you shut up," their teacher, Mr. Coulson, snapped. "It's time for class."

                Jin tried to focus, but his focus kept slipping. He dug his nails into his palm, trying to shake himself out of the dizziness settling over him. His head felt both light and liked it weighed a thousand pounds at the same time.

                He pulled a water bottle out of his bag, his hands trembling as he uncapped it. He took a few swallows, hoping that would help. He tossed the water bottle back into his bag and tried to focus on the teacher again.

                "No," he whispered as the dark spots began to appear in his vision.

                Jin knew what that meant. He'd collapsed plenty of times at home, and this is how it always started.

                Jin pressed a hand to his forehead and stood up, hoping he could make it out of the classroom before it happened. How embarrassing it'd be if he went down here.

                "Jin Amano! Sit back down!" Coulson said angrily, grabbing a ruler off his desk.

                Jin stumbled towards the door out of the room, gripping his head as his vision grew darker. He closed his eyes, hoping if he blinked hard enough it'd clear his vision.

                Instead, he opened his eyes to see several feet. His ears were ringing loudly, and he had no memory of how he'd ended up in this position. The ground beneath his body was cold and hard, and he slowly lifted a hand to his pounding head.

                His gaze drifted around loosely until he saw Mr. Coulson standing at the phone. He looked a mixture of frantic and irritated.

                "-student who collapsed in my room. Yes. Room 228. Yes. Alright." He began nodding and mumbling something into the phone.


                Jin looked up at Lev's face. Jin tried to get a look at his surroundings and realized his head was on Karson's lap.

                "Fucking pain in the ass," Karson said. "'I'm fine' he says and then just collapses."

                "Jin, are you okay?" Lev asked, Amelia peeking over his shoulder. "Are you sick?"

                "No, I..." Jin felt panic settling in, because he didn't know what had happened. "Where am I?"

                "The classroom," Lev said. "Two students caught you before you hit your head on anything. Mr. Coulson called the health center. They're going to come get you."

                Karson started to get up, but Jin grabbed his leg. "No. Dizzy."

                "If you puke on me, I swear to god I'll kill you in your sleep," Karson warned.

                "This..." Jin was struggling to think clearly and form sentences. "Happened before. I'm fine."

                "Fine? Jin, you fainted!" Lev said. "When was the last time you had something to eat?"

                "Huh, you know, he skipped lunch and dinner," Karson said. "And I think breakfast, too."

                "Jin," Lev groaned.

                "Shut up." Jin closed his eyes, rubbing his temples. "Just shut up."

                "The health center is sending two employees to come get him," Mr. Coulson said. "Keep it down so I can teach."

                "He's not well," Amelia said, glaring at Mr. Coulson. "If he wants to shriek in pain, we'll let him!"

                Lev put a hand over Amelia's mouth. "Sir, what Amelia means is that Jin's disoriented, and something is clearly wrong."

                "Probably his alcoholism coming to bite his health in the ass," Mr. Coulson sneered. "Keep it down. And only Jin leaves this room when the health center comes to get him. The rest of you will return to your seats and stay silent. I'm not letting this worthless drunk interrupt my whole class."

                Jin kept his eyes closed, ignoring Mr. Coulson. He'd target that asshole next.

                "Did he pass out again?" Amelia whispered, poking at Jin.

                "Don't poke me," Jin said, opening his eyes so he could glare at her. "All of you shut up. At least I get out of this boring class."

                "And all you had to do was faint in front of everyone," Karson said, laughing as Jin hit his leg.

                "You said this happened before. Does it happen a lot? You've never mentioned it before," Lev said.

                Jin shrugged. "It happens."

                "Jin!" Lev sighed and shook his head. "We'll sit with you until the health center employees get here. And you are going to eat the biggest damn lunch of your life, got it?"

                "I don't care," Jin said, letting his eyes close again.

                And he tried to tell himself that he really didn't care. He didn't care that his friends saw this side of him. He didn't care that they were worried about him. He didn't care that they were going to sit with him until help came. He repeated it over and over in his aching head, but in his weak state, it all sounded like lies.

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