Prompt #6

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                Prompt: A prompt about Karson and his dad spending time together after he graduated from the academy would be great!

                A.N.- Okay two things here, one I didn't do it in Karson's POV because idk it just seemed easier to write it this way. And two, I decided to do it when Karson's just moved back home!


                Karson looked around the house. It was small, but it was a nice house. His father, Zach Wylie, had moved into this house when the boys were younger, after their mom left. It said a smaller house wouldn't feel as empty.

                "Kar, come have a seat," Zach said, sitting in his favorite chair in the living room.

                Karson dropped onto the couch across from the chair. He looked at the walls, where pictures of him and Aspen were hung. He didn't feel his usual rage as he eyed the pictures of his brother.

                "How was your final year at the Academy?" Zach asked, leaning forward. "I was worried about you when I got the letter about the fight."

                Karson grinned. "Why? I love a good fight."

                "Well I don't," Zach said. "Especially not when you're involved. Fine, tell me about your friends. There was a boy there I didn't recognize when I picked you up."

                "That's the crip," Karson said. "He's dating Jin."

                "Huh, I never knew Jin liked men," Zach said curiously. "The crip?"

                "The cripple. His name is Kai. He's got a shit leg," Karson said. "An accident or something, I don't know. He's got enough anger to share with Jin."

                "I hope you didn't call him 'the crip' to his face," Zach said, giving Karson a stern look. "We talked about this, Kar. You need to be nicer to people."

                Karson waved his hand dismissively. "Yea, we talked about it. How was the house without me around?"

                Karson felt his heart sink a little at the sad look on his father's face. Zach clasped his hands together, not meeting Karson's eyes.

                "It was...quiet. I'm glad you're back home," he said.

                "Did you take your medication?" Karson asked.

                Zach nodded, hanging his head a little. "I did. I'll never go off them again. I'm...Karson, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry about me."

                Karson could still picture his father convulsing on the floor, his breath harsh and shallow, his skin clammy, an alarmingly empty bottle of pills on the ground next to him. He could remember the paramedic holding him back so they could save his father. He could remember yelling for Aspen and getting no response.

                "You're supposed to be the one worrying. I'm not your dad," Karson said.

                Zach peeked up, a small smile on his face. "I think I worry enough for both of us. You know what we haven't played in a while?"

                "Uh-oh old man, are you asking me to kick your ass at Sequence?" Karson said, the grin returning.

                "If you win I won't smack you upside the head for your language," Zach said, returning the grin.

                "Guess you won't be smacking me, then," Karson said.

                Zach laughed. "So full of yourself. Some things never change."

                Karson leaned back against the couch, feeling more at ease. He was glad to be back home. He was glad to be around his father again.

                "Hey, before we go play, you need to finish telling me about your friends," Zach said.

                "What about them? Amelia can't shut her mouth to save her life, Lev's an overworked suburban mom trapped in the body of a 17 year old boy, Jin smiled a total of once the whole year, and Isaac is a spoiled little bastard who still thinks calling me 'glasses' is an insult," Karson said.

                "You seem happier," Zach said, expression softening. "I'm glad to see it."

                "I'll go get the game," Karson said, getting up off the couch. He didn't know how to admit that he was happier, in some ways. He still hadn't forgiven Aspen for that day five years ago, but he felt better knowing the truth of it all.

                Karson paused as he felt his dad's arms go around him. Zach Wylie hugged his son close.

                "I love you, Karson," Zach said. "I know you didn't want to go to Constance Academy, but I think it was best for you. I haven't seen you so happy in years."

                Karson thought of the Academy. He thought of Jin, Lev, Amelia, Isaac, and Kai. He thought of his brother and his father and the mother he never knew. He'd been through so much and come so far.

                He turned in his father's arms, hugging him back tightly. "I love you too, dad."

                They got their game, setting it up at the kitchen table. Zach made them snacks and got them drinks. They talked and laughed and enjoyed each other's company. Zach watched the way Karson smiled and Karson watched the way Zach smiled.

                They were genuine smiles.

                Yes, Karson thought. He was happy. They were both happy.

                Karson was glad for it all.

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