Bertholt x Annie

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Mikasa: Hey guys we are back again reading more ships and seeing the rating

Everyone: hey guys

Eren: So now to our first ship *smiles*

Reiner: *reads ship and smirks* Hey bertholt remember Junior high

Ymir: *smiles* Oh I remember too Reiner

Eren: the ship is Bertholt x Annie

Everyone: *remembers junior high* awww hahaha

Bertholt: *blushes  a crazier red than a tomato*

Annie: *lightly blushes*

Random Annie fanboy: *runs in * hey get your hands on my love you weirdo you Annie is my beautiful goddess right next to my dear Christa

Annie and Ymir: *beat up the fanboy and throw him out the window*

Ymir: *hugs Christa tight* Hey what do you say we get married after this

Christa: uh okay *smiles*

Eren: okay guys and the rating is
Over 9000/10

Everyone: called it

Reiner: I gotta say bertholt I mean you never were good at keeping that secret heh

Mikasa: *pushes bertholt*

Bertholt: *trips and kisses Annie then blushes like crazy*

Annie: *blushes* well thats okay I guess....*hiding a small smile*

Jean: oh Mikasa your so smart thats why I love you so much kiss me too

Mikasa: no way in Hell dream on horse face!

Jean: so cold oh well I just love you even more now

Levi: *sips him tea* Mikasa Is like my half sister or something so keep hitting on her and I will beat you so bad you may just die from it *glares at jean*

Mikasa: well on that note we should sign off here so bye guys

Everyone: BYEEEEEE

Okay how was this story I hope it was a bit longer
I tried and I'm trying to do my best to make sure it all come out good
So yeah thanks for reading and remember leave a comment on any ideas or feeback and check out my other book
Where you can leave comments and questions and i can grt back to you all
So then on that note see you soon Cadets Alpha signing off bye

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