Erwin X Armin

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Mikasa: *crying* hey guys w-welcome back watching us kill each other *sniffle*

Christa: poor Mikasa she still hasn't healed yet

Petra: *also crying* why leviiiii *sniff sniff*

Ymir: yeah they're both broken

*Eren and Levi making out on the couch*


*Levi carries Eren to a bedroom bridal style*

Reiner: well that fixes that issue...

Bertholt: they love each other way to much

*noises coming from the bedroom*


Marco: well we know what they do together now

Jean: so the moaning from last night was them!?!

Connie: seems like it

Sasha: okay forget those guys let's get into today's ship

Marco:Erwin and Armin can be here in Levi and Erens place

Erwin: hello there

Armin: hey guys

*Mikasa and Petra crying together  in a corner lonely and depressed *

Annie: looks like they might be out for a long time

Sasha: yup they are really depressed

*more noises from the bedroom and lots of moaning*

Connie: okaaayyy on with the ship

Annie: my turn *reads ship* ppff...pff haha hahaha!!!!

Jean: okay she lost it

Sasha: *reads ship* oh now I see this is funny hahaha

Annie: its Erwin X Armin rating is 800900/10 our replacements got shipped with each other

Armin: *blushing a bright crimson red*


Armin: C-Commander Erwin?

Erwin: *pulls Armin into a kiss*

*Armin and Erwin start making out on the sofa*

Reiner: what even happened here....

Bertholt: I dont even know anymore.......

Christa: I think everything is just crazy now

~meanwhile with eren and levi~

Levi: you are very naughty Eren

Eren: You felt really good you know that

~Back with everyone else~

Ymir: Well since everyone has gone down I think now Is a good place to say bye is that cool guys

*Petra and Mikasa are still crying*

Everyone: yup

*Erwin and Armin are still making out and Levi and Eren are still doing the Thing in the other room*

Ymir: okay then guys time for us to sign off see you all soon

Christa: bye bye guys

Marco and Jean: bye

Mikasa and Petra: *crying* b-bye guys

Reiner and bertholt: cya soon guys

Sasha and Connie: *eating bread* bye guys!!

Erwin and Armin: *making out*

*Levi and Eren are still in the other room doing the thing*

Everyone else: bye bye guys see you all next time

Wow 400 words on just the story only I worked long on this one I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes I was watching sword art online as I wrote this so yeah also I hope you all really liked today's chapter
I think it might be my longest one yet I'm not sure but yeah anyway leave me some feedback and comments and leave me some more ideas on ships you want to see me write next
So now I think thats all I have to say so guys I guess I'm off now stay  awesome guys
alpha signing off

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