Reiner X Christa

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Mikasa: hey guys glad to see you again today hehe

Annie: yup

Eren: hey there guys!

Levi: hey there *grabs Eren and sits Eren on his lap*

Eren: *blushes* Levi..

Levi: your mine only *kisses eren*

Hanji: okay love birds time to get onto the ship

Sasha: yeah come on guys

Hanji: okay *reads ship* oh interesting haha

Connie: what's up *reads ship* ohh yeah intresting

*Marco walks in*

Marco: okay guys horse finally left me alone

Sasha: oh thats nice


everyone: haha/ they're both dating other people/ nah/ meh/ they are cute but still/

Reiner: um sorry Christa I'm dating bertholt *kisses bertholt*

Christa: yeah.. I have Ymir

Ymir: oh my darling Christa*kisses Christa*

Connie: okay then well guys this was funny the rating is 299000/10

Sasha: *eating ramen* okay guy let go out for a break we have another chapter coming out too later on today again

Everyone: okay yeah sure

Levi: me and Eren will stay here

Mikasa: do you want us to bring you back something? We're going to jack in the box

Eren: large curly fries

Levi: number 2

Mikasa: okay we'll be back later guys

Levi: okay take your time

~once everyone left~

Levi's point of view

As soon as Everyone left I couldnt help myself I grabed Erens hand and took him to my room as soon as I could

Eren: L-levi?

Levi: yeah?

Eren: can I ?

Levi: naughty boy Eren

Erens point of view

I kneeled down a pulled down Levi's pants and boxers in one tug Levi took of my shirt and we stripped each other down from there

We got on the bed and Levi got top this time

*Eren and Levi did the thing*

~later on~

Levi's point of view

Eren was so nice we enjoyed ourselves so much he felt so good but then I heard the door so we got cleaned up and dressed and went downstairs

~back to being altogether~

Mikasa: okay guys well we need to start the next chapter so we are gonna stop here cya soon guys

Levi and Eren: bye guys

Everyone else: byeeee

Hey guys did you like this chapter sorry its late I'm trying to take a little break but I just love making these chapters for you all then to see your comments and ideas it just makes me smile so much so yeah thanks a lot for your comments

I'm sorry if anything is misspelled but please leave feedback comments and ideas for more ships I'm writing another chapter later on (Erwin x Levi) So yeah

I think that's all I have yo say so I'm gonna take a break for a while then I'm writing another chapter later on if I get time hopefully so until then stay awesome guys

Alpha out

The Attack on Titan gang reacts to Ships Where stories live. Discover now