Yuuri x Victor

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Before it starts I just wanna say I have never seen this anime yes shame on me so sorry if their characters wrong

Eren: Hey guys welcome back to wonderland you might be thinking why its me first instead of mikasa and Annie well...


Mikasa: Eren dont do it its crazy you know

Eren: but I want see how fast I can turn into a titan

Mikasa: so do it on the ground dont jump off the building

Eren: so what its nothing

Mikasa: and its super windy you might fall

Eren: no its fine its fine Mika- *gets cut off*

Mikasa: EREN!! *wind pushes her off the building*

Annie: Mikasa NOOOO!!! *jumps along with her*

~time skip~

Docter: they will be okay but they will need time to heal maybe a few days through

Eren: okay I guess I should get home Now though

*end of flashback*

Eren: They're sick Mikasa and Annie are sick

Levi: yeah sure sure.....

Eren looks like its just us today well let's welcome our guests

Levi: right welcome Yuuri Katsuki and  Victor Nikiforov


Victor: hi

Eren: you didnt walk in?

Yuuri: we were already sitting here

Victor: yeah

Eren: well I already read the ship and I gotta say this now you guys are already dating right

Victor: yup

Levi: the rating is 40000/10

Eren: well you guys got shipped but your already dating sooo....OUT OUT DONT COME BACK UNLESS CALLED FOR

Levi: visit whenever you want he's just tired today

Victor: okay then that was short bye then

Yuuri: bye guys

*Eren pushes the two into the portal home*

Levi: bye then

Eren: bye


Levi: what Eren

Eren: I wanna cuddle

Levi: okay

-After five minutes of cuddleing Eren fell asleep an top of levi-

Levi:tch brat

*carries Eren to his bad to sleep*

Levi: well brat feel asleep so I guess I end it here bye guys

I know I know this chapter was short and lazy I still got 3 to go but I think I might just sleep and finish the rest tomorrow I'm sorry this one was bad but I hoped you enjoyed anyway

I'm sorry for any mistakes I love it went you leave feedback and comments Now its late I need sleep Thursday I gotta get ready for my trip and finish 3 chapters everything is pre-written for now anyway looks like my day is full for sure if I catch I break I like to read to thats a plus but now I sleep

Love y'all my Wolf pups

Alpha signing off

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