Lizzy X Levi

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Mikasa: I'm finally back the doctor finally let me and Annie out of the hospital

Annie: yeah okay I'm good

Eren: aww okay I had fun with just me and Levi

Levi: well to bad brat everyone is here now

Christa: and we have and Extra guest today aswell

Ymir: yup its @Lizzy_The_Fangirl

*Lizzy walks in*

Lizzy: heyyyy I'm back again yay

Levi: hi

Eren: hey

Mikasa: yo

Annie: hi there

Lizzy: I'm so glad to be back guys

Mikasa: well then let's get on with today's ship why dont we

Christa: may I have a turn today

Mikasa: yeah why not

Christa: okay yay *reads ship* oh hmm its Lizzy X Levi the rating is 1000/10 but I dont know how Eren will feel

Eren: Lizzy you seem nice but go near Levi and i will call squad

Lizzy: oh no its fine I actually ship you guys so I would love it if you guys kiss or cuddle its so cute I'm such a fangirl hehehe

Eren: *kisses levi* Cuddle with me senpaiiiii~

Levi: okay *starts cuddle I ng with Eren on the couch*



Christa: its okay Mikasa she'll be fine she's still breathing she just died of fangirling

Ymir: yea she's fine its all okay

Mikasa: okay well then let's end it here and try to help her

Chrsita: yeah okay bye bye guys

Ymir: cya

Mikasa: bye

Annie: bye

Levi and Eren: byee

Everyone else: bye guysss

Okay I hope you liked this Lizzy this was just a little chapter I thought I would do sorry its so short but now I'm done and I can be worry free during vacation yay

Well guys I need new ideas now to write so leave ships or if you want leave some games I'm the comments and I can start a new book
The AOT gang plays games
Sounds like a good book but yeah if you could leave me ideas and I love your feedback and comments guys they make me smile :D

Well now I'm done and got need to take a break before I start to pack I gotta leave 4 am on Friday as this is written its Thursday so yeah

Thanks for so much support my pups im glad I got this far as a writer I never thought my book was much good but even one person can help make a difference so anyway time to go bye my pups

Alpha Signing off now

Hey is me again so first off I wanted to say I'm finally home yay got home yesterday second this is the last pre-written chapter for now until I go on another trip and also I may or may not have possibly had a panic attack or two yesterday for reasons bye um yeah hope you all enjoyed

The Attack on Titan gang reacts to Ships Where stories live. Discover now