Levi X Eren

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Mikasa: Hey there guys what's up we are back at it again trying not you kill each other

Eren: somehow I wonder how we are all still alive and sane 

Levi: *drinking tea* yup

Hanji: Okay guys today I get to read today's ship

Petra: okay that sounds fair

Armin: let's see what today brings

Hanji: *reads ship* AHA This is so true I love this ship

Mikasa: what's the ship? Let me see hanji *reads ship and starts crying*

Armin: what's wrong Mikasa what's the ship

Hanji: Levi X Eren!!!

Everyone: Thats so true saw that one coming for sure

Annie: I dont really care



Eren: C-Captian? I- *gets cut off*

Levi: * gives Eren a passionate kiss on the lips while hugging him tightly*



*Mikasa Attacks Levi and Petra goes after Eren*

Eren: *fight off petra* Levi I love you!

Levi: *fighting off Mikasa* love you too Eren now let's take care of these two

*Eren and Levi tie Mikasa and Petra to chairs far away from them*

Christa: hey guys we forgot the rating I'll say it *checks rating*
The rating is   ∞(infinity)/10

Levi: *knocks out Mikasa and Petra with frying pan before they kill anyone*

Eren: okay well that happened then

Levi: yup *sits Eren on his lap*

Sasha: well then looks like Eren and Levi are dating now

Marco: should we leave before Mikasa and Petra wake up?

Erevryone: Yup

Levi: okay then let's end it here before those demons wake up bye guys

Eren: bye everyone

Everyone else: byeeee

Okay guys so that was this chapter I really love Eren x Levi so I'm gonna keep those two together from now on cause I just really love that ship anyway guys
I hoped you all liked today's chapter and I can't wait to write more chapters so leave me some ideas for more ships you would like to see in the next chapter and yeah I think thats all I have to say so please leave me some comments feedback and anymore ideas until then stay awesome guys MarySun signing off

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