Petra X Tree

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Mikasa: Hey everyone welcome to watching us kill each other cause of ships you all send in

Eren: yup this is just our life now

Levi: hurry up because you always make such a mess

Annie: I dont care

Hanji: Okay let's get on with today's ship now why dont we

Jean: maybe today is my lucky day

Levi: go near my cousin and I will kill you got it horse face

Mikasa: well he has no chances anyway

Hanji: okay let's go with this ship now    so let's do this thing *reads ship and smiles while looking towards petra*

Petra: what's up hanji why are you staring at me *gets happy * ohh is it  me and captain Levi!?!?

Hanji: nope its Petra X Tree!!!! Haha

Everyone: *starts laughing*

Petra: Wha-What!?!! B-but levi?

Levi: keep dreaming girl

Tree: *breaks down door* Petra you love me to dont you!!!! *chases petra*

Petra: Waaahhhh nooo it wasnt soposed to be this waaayy *runs from tree*

Annie: So remember when I was the female titan and killed her against that tree I sorta invited the tree over to see her hehe

Levi: better her be with that tree then fawning over me this whole time

Mikasa: well then... That happened

Eren: okay then Petra is being chased by a tree outside  *looks out window*

Mikasa: I think thats a good note to end on then well guys and Petra and a tree 100300204500/10  time to sign off

Eren: yup okay then here us signing off bye guys

Everyone: byeee

Petra: bye ahh no tree nooo


okay guys so I got  power back  awhile ago so I wrote this chapter so sorry its late but yeah this chapter is for today I'm gonna post another one next for tomorrow because tomorrow is my sisters birthday so instead of one tomorrow you get two for today yay but yeah I'm gonna give it some time first so you can leave what other ship you want in the comments I will take anything so please feel free to leave a comment see you in the next chapter soon Alpha out

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