Mikasa x Levi

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Eren: Hey guys and welcome back to watching us kill each other

Mikasa: yup thats our life but today we have a special guest  that will be joining us today and maybe randomly in the future too her name is Betty

Mikasa: yup thats our life but today we have a special guest  that will be joining us today and maybe randomly in the future too her name is Betty

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Note: this was hand drawn by me sorry if its bad

Betty: *walks in* hey guys *smiles*

Eren: okay well since your here you can reads today's ship

Betty: okay let's see who has it

Ymir: here ya go *hands Betty the notebook*

Betty: this says ymir x Christa ymir x Christa Ym- *gets cut off*

Ymir: *grabs notebook* wrong one!!
*gives right notebook*

Betty: okay let's see.....
*reads ship* hahaha

Eren: what's so funny

Mikasa: what's the ship what is it

Levi: is horse face envoled he is quite the joke

Christa: *reads ship* oh I see why hehe

Reiner: *reads Ship* Levi X Mikasa!?!

Levi: *spits out tea* pfff wha- what!?! SHES MY COUSIN

mikasa: say that again its weird we're cousins!!!

Marco: rating is 500100/10


Levi and Mikasa: Shut up Horseface!!

Betty: well this got interesting fast

Eren: you know this is everyday right

Bertholt: I dont know how the building hasn't fallen down yet

Sasha and Connie: *eating*

Hanji: who though you would get your cousin  haha

Eren: maybe we should leave it here before they die

Levi and Mikasa: *died from embarrassment*

Eren: to late... Yeah let's leave it here before horse breaks down the door...-_-

Betty: Well this was fun hope to see you again soon guys

Everyone except Levi and Mikasa: Bye guys!

Levi and Mikasa: *dead*

Hey guys looks like I got free time so I decided to write something tell me if you liked it and also leave me some comments and suggestions for more ships so far I got two
(Hanji x titans and Levi x Eren ) so yeah hope you liked today's chapter
I enjoy writing for you maybe I can get more out soon I try to upload daily sometimes I do more than one a day matters on my list speaking of I have a pet so I gotta go love y'all bye bye alpha off

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