Natsu X Lucy

666 2 6

Mikasa: hello guys welcome back to our world on Wonder

Annie: yes

Eren: we have two guests joining us today

*two guests walk through the door*

Levi: Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu Dragneel

Natsu: what's up guys

Lucy: hey there

Happy: I'm here too

Eren: well then happy why dont you reads today's ship

Happy: Aye sir

Levi: okay good get on with it cat

Natsu: he's an exceed but okay

Happy: *reads ship* ppff... ppfff..HAHAAHA

Eren: what's so funny *reads ship* oh I see LEVI!

Levi: what *whispers something in his ear* okay

Eren: Christa can you come here quickly

Christa: okay sure

Eren: *whispers something to Christa*

Christa: ah I see okay

*Levi takes natsu to a corner and Christa does the same with Lucy*

~boys corner~

Levi: You like Lucy don't you?

Natsu: *blushing* mmm yeah I really do

Levi: then confess I'm sure she will accept thats how Eren got my heart

Natsu: okay I'll do it

~girls corner~

Christa: so you like natsu right?

Lucy: huh? What dont be rediculous *blushing* mmm I do

Christa: then go tell him I'm sure he will feel the same thats how Ymir won my heart *smiles* you got this I'm sure

~back to normal~

Happy: the ship is NATSU X LUCY

Natsu: *blushing* uh Lucy can I tell you something

Lucy: * blushing* yeah go ahead

Natsu: I-I love you Lucy since I first met you I saw something special about you

Lucy: yeah I feel the same way you do  Natsu I love you

*Natsu and Lucy kiss*

Happy: the rating is OVER 9000/10

Mikasa: is that from Dragon ba- *get cut off*

Annie: shhhhhhhh

Mikasa: okay okay fine

Happy: well we should probably get back to the guild guys

Natsu: yeah let's go guys

Lucy: bye everyone

Natsu: cya around

Happy: bye

Everyone: bye guys

*Natsu Lucy and Happy go through the magical portal*

Mikasa: well then that was fun

Annie: yeah

Levi: let's sign off now then I guess

Eren: yeah bye guys

Levi: bye

Mikasa: bye bye

Annie: see ya

Okay I did it yay I hoped you liked this chapter I think anime cross overs are fun so yeah now I have like 10 more chapters to prepare for then next two day at home then four on my trip but yeah thanks for all the ideas you left me in the last chapter I'm gonna work on them all night so that I can upload fast and with out worry

I will write them and save them as drafts then on the day its to be posted it already ready so yay I get a couple days off hehe lots of work for me tonight

I hope you liked today's chapter I would love comments and feedback they make me smile I'm sorry if anything is misspelled

Now I think thats all I have left to say so until next time guys Stay awesome and i will see ya soon

Alpha Out

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