Looks like i got taged

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Okay so looks like a certain someone tagged me Lizzy I'm coming for you soon anyway let's get this started

One- favorite songs

Any English cover of songs from anime by Amanda Lee /will be forgetting this /angel with a shotgun /closer /stay /and shape of you

Two- favorite sport

Basketball or Soccer

Three- favorite band
I dont have much of a favorite band but /chain smokers/ if that counts

Four- favorite show

Pretty little liars and Fuller house
(I chose these because I only have Netflix so I watch mostly anime and YouTube)

Five- Favorite Movie

Princess: a modern fairy tail
(On Netflix)

Six- favorite color

Blue and black

Seven-favorite food

Either Nachos or Pancakes I would say (mostly cause I love making them, and yes I do cook and bake)

Eight- favorite drink

Hot chocolate all the way

Nine- favorite game

GTA V /Minecraft /Black ops/ but Mainly /Pokemon duel

I should tag people but I still need to write another chapter so instead I won't say anything but mark my words Lizzy I will get you one day

P.S. I wouldn't know who to tag so yeah lol #lonelypotato

See you soon guys Alpha out

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